New Moon in Aries – 5th April 09:50 (BST)
Full Moon in Libra – 19th April 12:12
All Hail New Moon in Aries! It’s Spring – and the beginning of a shiny, fresh emotional journey through the New Year! The path glows before us. Where does it lead? New brooms have swept clean, open spaces and we vibrate with the potential of new growth and renewed Hope.
Aries is like the Fool in the Tarot deck, Man at the start of his journey – innocent, energetic, determined, sexually potent, single minded, the seeker of Light and new experiences. His image reflects the Fire and Cardinality of the sign. He is masculinity, reflecting the best of the Yang in both male and female. He is ruled by Mars, the God of War. Like a Spirit Warrior, he stands with his spear and shield in hand at the beginning of the path, never looking backwards, concentrated energy – ready to move forwards into the Astrological Lunar Year. We need his spark and his powers of renewal after the darkness of winter – both physically and emotionally. The Sun entered Aries on 20th March. Here is the start of the Moon’s journey through the zodiac and an opportunity to plan, to innovate, to seek love and fulfilment with boundless energy – to meet, fight and combat any obstacles – and to leave negative emotions behind as we move on to a better future. Aries is the youthful optimism in all of us.
There are new adventures on the horizon as the emotional journey unfolds. At this New Moon, Uranus and Chiron stand like sentinels on either side and, less than 30 degrees away, Mercury and Neptune stand together in Pisces – and Venus is also in Pisces. There are new dreams, healings and a new clarity of communication with Spirit and with what we know is most important to us as individuals – and as part of humanity. We wake this year into Spring, breath in – and take our first faltering steps. Bleary eyed, we find we can communicate how we feel with more directness. Pluto, the South Node and Saturn, conjunct in Capricorn, still grumble and rumble, refusing to engage in different gears or to release the cogs of old established mechanisms. Yet optimism, joy and freedom of movement seem destined to happen and the New Order is screaming out to begin its journey. The opposing Pisces (Neptune, Mercury and Venus) and Capricorn energies continue to struggle against each other. However, the Capricorn stellium is both trine the North Node in Cancer and sextile the New Moon. Love will eventually win!
We may feel an urge to escape – and not only from the intensity and heaviness of the political climate that surrounds us all. The cosmos invites us to rise out of ourselves, to tune into her energy and to trust in our visions and emotions. We will feel encouraged to tune in to a higher vibrational level that is more in step with the cosmos as a whole. So, finding time for personal contemplation through meditation, travel, music, art – and generally exploring and raising our awareness through creative and imaginative projects will help us to start out on our journey.
Humanity struggles around us – reflected in the astrological climate within which the New Moon is situated. It would be easy to give in to despair – but better to work on raising our vibrations and to increase our awareness in order to contribute positively to the future of our planet. It’s time to finally rid ourselves of mundane habits, beliefs and practises that keep us back. We need personal and collective focus.
Focussing on our highest selves, how can we form our best dreams and intentions for the Lunar Month ahead? What are our visions and how can we reach them? In focussing and trusting the power of determined, direct, courageous and uncomplicated Aries, the way will become clear!
Suggested meditation: Focus on a ball of intense white, crystalline light above your head and imagine rising up into it until it surrounds you. Allow the state of Being, of ‘non thinking’, a space where you are surrounded by peace and love. (Pause) Functioning from this space of simplicity and clarity, visualise the path in front of you and your destination.
The political climate around us remains heavy and intense. Over the next few months, those who defend the structures and belief systems within which we live may feel increased pressure to review and to adjust their opinions. This is inevitably a result of increased pressure from those who see the necessity for change more clearly. Indisputable new scientific knowledge involving the environment, weather and Earth movements is likely to emerge and socially there are likely to be radical ‘light bulb moments’ highlighting the obvious needs of all living beings on the Earth – as opposed to the needs of ‘the few’. The New Moon in Aries encourages us to move steadily and purposefully forward. He promotes courage and strength of purpose. We need it! Pluto and Saturn in Capricorn represent control, power and oppression – but Jupiter (stationary retrograde on 10th and in Sagittarius until October and square Neptune in Pisces), reminds us all that Love can conquer all. Venus in Pisces adds her vibration of beauty, balance and harmony. Mars gallops through Gemini, encouraging endless (and mostly vacuous at the moment!) communication but also the necessity to keep talking to each other. Saturn may attempt to slow negotiations down but, sitting with the great Transformer, Pluto – he can only serve to make us more careful and thoughtful as we aim for huge changes and higher perspectives.
Obviously, resistance is caused by fear of change but, generally, focus is likely to turn to the security and needs of everyone on the planet – and particularly on the need for safe homes and access to both food and work (North Node, Cancer) We often hear, “You can’t change man’s nature” bleated by those who support conflict and inequality. I disagree – change is possible, particularly when necessity makes it so. Astrology tells us that we either accept imminent changes and that these are likely to affect our usual routines and structures – necessary to provide a better future for everybody. The transition, however, still has to be endured!
The Aries Moon focusses us back on ourselves and the relevance and importance of our lives in the way that they relate to humanity as a whole. This is pioneer energy that begins with ourselves. We are within a cosmic environment this month within which we can choose to raise our own consciousness above the level we may be used to. How can each one of us best motivate visions that will improve the quality of all our lives where we can live more in tune with the natural rhythms of the Earth?
“There are two basic motivating forces: fear and love. When we are afraid, we pull back from life. When we are in love, we open to all that life has to offer with passion, excitement and acceptance. We need to learn to love ourselves first, in all our glory and our imperfections.”
John Lennon
Jaki Miles-Windmill D.F.Astrol.S
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