The sign occupied by the Moon at your time of birth is an indicator of your emotional and physical nature. It describes your unconscious, instinctive reaction to life, what is innate, perhaps inherited from your mother or reflected in the women to whom you are attracted. It tells us what kind of experience you need in order to feel emotionally satisfied.
Quick off the mark and full of self assertive energy, the Moon in Aries thrives on the thrill of the new. Aries is the first sign of the Zodiac, the sign which heralds the Spring Equinox and its element is fire. Like the first buds of spring, you naturally feel at home at the cutting edge, pushing your way forward into the unknown with vim and vigour – but this spontaneous vitality can also leave you sensitive and vulnerable.
Driven by the inner fires of enthusiasm, you need novelty and excitement in your life; if things get routine and repetitive, you can easily become bored and irritable. Your makeup is better suited to short, quick bursts of energy rather than to prolonged strain. Your cosmic job is to open the way and for this you are naturally endowed with a fighting spirit and a spontaneous enthusiasm that propels you forwards in what others may sometimes experience as a headstrong fashion. Never happier than when facing a challenge or pushing against resistance, you thrive on the buzz of adrenalin in your veins and for this reason should ensure that you have plenty of opportunities to use this dynamic energy constructively. A buildup of tension and heat in the body could otherwise lead to headaches, insomnia or fevers.
Your emotional responses are quick and volatile. New desires will ignite as quickly as your temper! You will be very sensitive to criticism and will hate to be overlooked or ignored; you will become indignant or even hot tempered when opposed or frustrated, although you soon forget an argument or grudge. Especially irritated by dithering or recalcitrance on the part of others, you won’t find team work easy because your independent spirit needs to act on its own initiative.
Try to avoid burning yourself out by too much activity and constantly driving yourself. Learn to relax – and to laugh at yourself!
The Moon in Taurus needs comfort and security in the material world. Taurus is an earth sign that comes at the stage in the annual cycle when the need is to put down roots and draw on the nourishment of the earth in order to build a solid and stable structure. Therefore, you are acquisitive by nature, acquiring and even hoarding possessions and money in order to feed your need for material security and finding it difficult to let go of them when the need arises! So you don’t relish unexpected and sudden change that threatens to whip away whatever your security blanket of the moment is! It always pays you to have a “running away fund” tucked away somewhere. You need the continuity and resources that will allow you to indulge in all the pleasures of a physical existence because this is the most sensual of all the Moon positions. You are rooted in the three dimensional real world. Beautiful objects, exquisite textiles and delicious food will always be a wonderful source of the pleasure that you thrive on but it is your sense of touch that is most acute. Above all, you need lots of physical contact, massages, cuddles, because it is through fully appreciating your material embodiment in the world that you find your true security rather than in a big bank balance. For that reason, it is important to develop a rewarding relationship with Mother Nature and with growing things – green fingers may be one of your gifts!
You are loving, loyal, stable and reliable. Others will turn to you in their times of need, because at such times, you can be rocklike in your support. You are slow in your emotional responses, but when finally stirred up you are capable of overwhelming passions, which you then find equally difficult to let go of. So be aware that your “stickability” is at one and the same time, your greatest strength and your greatest weakness and earn to let go gracefully when sticking becomes self destructive!
Gemini is one of the air signs, signs of the mind, of communication and connectivity. The typical Moon in Gemini person is naturally at home in that element, whether it be riding their bicycle from place to place, passing on the local gossip or swinging from a trapeze! Naturally restless in mind and body, you’re always on the go. Darting from topic to topic, one thing after another exerts its fascination on you, enabling you to pick up information about a wide variety of subjects which you just love to pass on. You walk quickly and your hands continually move whilst talking. You’ll always know lots of folk in your neighborhood – and most of the gossip about them too! You can talk the hind legs off a donkey and with your quick wit and way with words you’ll always be an entertaining companion. You’ve a real gift of story telling and can talk your way out of trouble most of the time – not for nothing is quicksilver Mercury the ruing planet of Gemini. But conversely, you need to make an effort to be totally honest and to develop consistency and continuity.
Usually your nervous system is highly strung, making you feel a constant need to be busy, running here and there, phoning someone, jotting down notes and so on. You have fluency in speech and writing which will assist your natural urge to be the one who connects different things together, whether it be words, ideas or people. You probably enjoy and could become proficient at writing, literature or science or current affairs.
You will not feel comfortable with powerful displays of emotion. You tend to intellectualize your feelings rather than experience them in great depths. You will tend to move on to pastures new rather than stick with painful situations. This love of change and variety needs to be channeled into professional or leisure pursuits that positively benefit from your brilliant versatility!
Cancer is one of the water signs, signs of the tides of life and of the emotions. The Moon is the ruler of this sign and so your feeling life will be both powerful and extremely important y to you. Your emotions, like the ocean tides, will be changeable and fluctuating; your mood will be up one day, down the next. Like water, you are extremely sensitive and impressionable; on the one hand often withdrawing moodily into your shell because you’re so easily hurt, whilst on the other, easily adapting and responding to the needs and feelings of those around you.
Emotional security is your vital need. You have an instinctive appreciation of the tide of life that carries on through the ages and you thrive on being part of the tribe, of a supportive group that cares for, nurtures and belongs with each other. You have a strong sense of the importance of where you come from and of the past in general and so genealogy, history or even anthropology and archaeology can be satisfying areas of study for you. Home and family are important to you; you remember birthdays and anniversaries and find huge satisfaction in creating a comfortable and homely nest safe and secure from the vicissitudes of the harsh world outside. You want those around you to feel good and will often find yourself playing the role of counselor to those in distress. You are drawn to give of yourself in order to nurture something or someone else and it is vital that your life pattern gives you that opportunity.
You’ll derive a great deal of pleasure from water. Whether you shut yourself in the bathroom for hours for a good long soak or live in a house with a view of the sea, your emotional equilibrium will always be restored by the soothing and rhythmic effects of this most motherly of the elements.
Leo is one of the fire signs, signs of the vital spirit of life. With the Moon in this sign, your primary need is to feel at the centre of things, to be loved and appreciated. Your personal warmth and magnetism enable you to command both the respect and the attention of others around you. You thrive on their appreciation and praise. Instinctively feeling that you are the king or queen of all you survey, you have natural leadership qualities, which combined with your controlling nature and your organizational skills can make you a charismatic boss or teacher/leader.
You were perhaps the golden child of your family and throughout your life you will always need some arena within which you can shine and bask in the feeling of being loved. You have an open, generous heart that constantly urges you to be frank and honest and to show others who you are and what you can do. You have confidence in front of an audience and could find real satisfaction in participating in the performing arts! Better that than becoming egocentric and a showoff! Your tendency to dramatize your feelings makes you impossible to ignore, but sometimes a bit overwhelming to live with, so it is important to recognize that in close personal relationships you can sometimes be overly demanding of appreciation!
Your feelings are strong and stable. You have an enormous amount of love to give and don’t change your affections readily, giving unstintingly and abundantly to people who need your support. You need above all something in your lifestyle of which you can be proud, So whether it is through your career, your home or your personal style, find the niche whereby you can make that big impression and you’ll be happy – which is all you want!
Virgo is one of the earth signs, signs of the practical, physical dimension of experience. With the Moon in this sign, your primary need is to feel useful and that your skills and talents are contributing to the health and welfare of the greater whole. You have a practical intelligence and natural attention to detail, which combined with the intelligence of your fingers, makes you skilled at making and growing. Whether it be weaving, knitting or other crafts, you will find great satisfaction in creating useful objects out of natural materials and will always derive emotional nourishment from any interaction with the natural world and its creatures, with whom you often have an uncanny affinity. You have a critical and analytical mind and will be disturbed by inefficiency or imperfection on any level; putting things right or in order, will always make you feel better. You have a natural feel for what is needed to make things function properly, a gift that can be used creatively in the healing professions. Matters to do with diet are particularly appropriate, for you, more than any other sign, are what you eat and you may find that vegetarianism or a diet of wholefood suits you well. Your body is extremely sensitive to your emotions and you may literally experience pain in the body as a symptom of unconscious feelings.
You are precise, modest and very self critical. Usually neat in dress, you can be shy of the limelight because you are all too aware of your own real or perceived failings and learning to be a little less demanding of yourself is one of your lifetime lessons. Your attention to every last detail and the need for perfection you have favours activities which involve small component parts, particularly ones that mesh the little bits together to create a healthy working system – just like you need around you to function at your best.
Libra is one of the air signs, signs of the mind and of communication. With the Moon in this sign, your primary need is that of harmonious relationships, not just with people but between all things in your environment. You will literally feel very uncomfortable when faced with ugliness and discordance on any level, whether it be a bad atmosphere between people, clashing colour schemes or pictures hanging crookedly on a wall! You’ve just got to get in there and sort it out, using your innate charm, your diplomatic skills and your undoubtedly well developed aesthetic sense. You have a natural sense of fairness and proportion, being able to assess relationship with an acute sensitivity and this good taste inclines you towards a fine appreciation of music, literature and the fine arts.
You’re a pleasure to be with, a seemingly easy going companion. “peace at any price” is your motto – the trouble is that you often put up and shut up too often, for fear of upsetting the applecart and causing a row, with the result that you end up feeling ignored, used and abused! But it is through your social relationships that you will find the opportunities to get your needs fulfilled, in your case it is definitely a case of who rather than what you know mattering. Being in a relationship of some sort is vital to your emotional well being. You can find decision making very difficult if you have no one to bounce your ideas and feelings off and you really do not like the feeling of emptiness or purposelessness that creeps upon you if you have no partner. Concern for the other is a strong motivation in you and when you come across injustice, your fighting spirit is well and truly aroused. In fact you find it easier to be assertive on behalf of another person or a cause like fair trade, than you do on behalf of yourself.
Scorpio is one of the water signs, signs of the of tides of life and emotions. With the Moon in this sign, your primary need is that of intensity of emotional experience. You have an intense nature and will, in your life time, experience extremes of pleasure and of pain. Half measures are not for you; you have strong likes and dislikes and cannot be persuaded easily to change plans or opinions. It is as though particular feelings or fascinations literally grab hold of you, so that you have no choice in the matter at all. This is the nature of compulsion or obsession – to which you are naturally very prone. But you don’t express or reveal these powerful feelings easily. They live at such a deep level that you yourself are often unaware of what you are really feeling, so that when they do erupt, you surprise yourself as much as other people by the ruthlessness or destructiveness of which you can be capable.
The underworld exerts a powerful pull on your emotions. You will be fascinated by the darker side of life. Subjects such as detective stories, the occult or sexuality are arenas that will satisfy your need to penetrate the depths of hidden mysteries in order to discover the Secret. You’re a natural psychotherapist and may be privy to the darkest secrets of many of your friends. You yourself may sometimes be accused of being secretive, but it’s more of a need for privacy. Having your own private space to which you can withdraw physically when those dark moods come upon you may forestall accusations from lovers or family that you have withdrawn emotionally. Your deepest fear is of being abandoned and to that end you can be very demanding in relationships and prone to painful jealousy. Try to develop consciousness of your emotional processes and speak out at the first rumbling of resentment – that way you may forestall the volcanic eruption that is sure, sooner or later, to lay waste to everything around you!
Sagittarius is one of the fire signs, signs of the vital spirit of life. With the Moon in this sign, your primary need is for adventure, for the thrill of facing the wild unknown. An urge for expansion is one of the hallmarks of your nature, an urge that you may fulfill by physical exploration and travel into foreign lands, by mental forays into further education paths or by spiritual quests for meaning and purpose. To assist you on your travels you have the gift of confidence or belief in yourself; when those inner fires of enthusiasm are burning you can climb any mountain. You hate to feel cribbed and confined, trapped by routine and necessity. You’re a wild thing at heart and are never happier than when you have a distant horizon to stretch your eyes, feeling the wind in your hair or when taking a risk. In fact you should beware of the edgy excitements of gambling, which may satisfy your appetite for that risky buzz in the short term but in the long, are distracting you from the true adventures life could have in store!
You are cheerful by nature and love a good belly laugh. You can be the fire which warms the hearts of your friends and lifts them out of gloom and despondency by illuminating the positive side of their situation. You are a natural teacher, preacher or prophet – that burning bright inner fire has the sparks to kindle enthusiasm in all who hear you. You are open and candid, although sometimes abrupt in your manner as a result of your inner impulsive impetuousness. But you have high standards of behaviour, a strong belief in ethical conduct and a resultant dislike of underhandness or deceit. You really thrive on having a belief system with which you are proud to identify. It need not be a particular religion,[ though it often is] but whatever it is, you must always beware of becoming self righteous, fanatical or judgmental.
Capricorn is one of the earth signs, signs of the material, physical dimension of life. With the Moon in this sign, your primary need is for autonomy and status in the world. You have a need to be respected and to create something worthwhile and lasting and to this end are a hard worker, with a naturally strong sense of responsibility, commitment and reliability and a big fear of failure. You are mature beyond your years and probably had a lot of responsibility piled on your young shoulders. You value tradition and everything that has stood the test of time, and you can look forward to the fact that like a good wine, you yourself will improve with age and that as you mature, life will get a whole lot easier.
Control and structure are important to you. Not one for superficialities or fussiness, you prefer spots and stripes to floral patterns! You don’t readily show what you’re feeling and are not one to break down in floods of tears very often. You need to know that everything is functioning as it ought to and that the foundations of your world, whether it be the literal foundations of your home and property or the metaphorical foundations of your standards are safe and secure at all times. You’ll always pay your bills on time, be punctual and probably have a fear of getting too deeply into debt. Standing on your own feet, owing no one anything and being responsible to no one else, is something you will respect yourself for.
You place much importance on the opinions which other people hold of you and you value their trust, confidence and respect. Yet you do not take many people into your confidence, particularly with regard to your fears and doubts because once again, your need to seem to be capable and in control of the situation overrules your need to share. Don’t get trapped inside your shell!
Aquarius is one of the air signs, signs of the mind and communication. With the Moon in this sign, your primary need is to make sense of the world! You respond to life in a cool, somewhat detached manner. \With a naturally easy and genuine friendliness, you feel equally at home with the dustman and the queen and can move comfortably between many different social worlds and circles. You see and respect everyone’s uniqueness and demand that everyone does the same for you. Not one to follow the herd, you need to live by your own rules in a way that makes sense to you though the strength of your carefully thought out opinions and stubbornness in defending them can alienate you from those whose values are more conventional. You’re happiest when you can find a group of kindred spirits who share your attitudes and interests and with whom you can work collectively to promote your shared ideals.
The world of technology, of science and pure mathematics are not threatening to one of your temperament and you’re likely to have the latest electronic gadgets before anyone else in the gang. You are a surfer of webs, a creator of theories and a natural political animal. With an instinctive grasp of how the parts interweave to make a whole you find emotional safety in understanding that pattern, in knowing what’s going on, in staying clear of emotional messiness and in retaining control. Cramped and cluttered spaces suffocate you whilst the claustrophobia induced by emotional demands and blackmail makes you run for the hills! Above all you need an unusually large amount of personal and physical space, so that you can think things through and make your own choices – with everyone’s best interest in mind, of course!
Pisces is one of the water signs, signs of the tides of life and the emotions. With the Moon in this sign, your primary need is to feel “at one”, to transcend mundane reality and lose yourself in something mystical, way beyond the personal Self. You are attuned to a subtler dimension of life, sensitive, impressionable, picking up on feelings and atmosphere the way a sponge absorbs water. You need to find something to which you can whole heartedly devote yourself without the danger of being abused or losing your own sense of self completely. Treat alcohol and drugs, television and virtual reality with caution. .. they may offer an easily available route to the “transcendent”, otherworldly state you need, but they drain you and dull what is your most valuable asset – your imagination and your psychic sensitivity. Many poets, musicians, film makers and actors have a Piscean Moon – it opens a channel through which creative inspiration can flow from the highest level, so too do mystics and spiritual gurus.
Extremely emotional, your feelings will be the dominating factor within your experience, so that you cry and laugh often, easily and in quick succession. The confusion caused by those turbulent, ever changing waves can be cleared if you form a positive relationship with the real element of water. Living on or nearby water is perfect, but trips to the seaside, going fishing or strolling along the riverbank will serve just as well. If all else fails a deep warm bath with beautiful s scented oils, soft music and candlelight will help you reconnect to still waters within! But the purest stream is to be found in the silence of deep meditation, or in surrendering to the flow of the Tao in for example, Tai Chi; align yourself with that flow and who knows what inspiration will come!
by Suze – a brilliant astrologer and great friend now sadly missed but still living on…..
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