New Moon in Cancer – 13th July 03:47 (BST)
Full Moon in Aquarius, 27th July 2018
“After winter comes summer. After night comes the dawn. After every storm, there comes clear, open skies.”
Samuel Rutherford
We are thirsty for Peace, for the security of home, family for all Humankind. We need rest and recuperation at the pace of the Summer New Moon, in the star filled nights and the presence of the Silver Mother. Here’s a space to renew and to recuperate, to love and to lie at the edge of Moonshine waters, warm, weightless and secure. Rest all and allow the comfort of the New Moon’s caring presence.
A storm is approaching. Be aware that, at this time, directly opposite – on the other side of the lake – is Pluto, super-powerful and life changing, the catalyst for death and rebirth.
The image is of a mature and beautiful woman, wife and a mother to us all. We are enveloped in her sensitive embrace. We are safe, loved and cared for. She is strongly emotional and fears the possibility of being unable to protect us. She plans ways to keep us even safer. She fears there is danger in the presence of Pluto at this New Moon.
Cancer is a feminine water sign, cardinal and ruled by the Moon herself. Like a crab, she builds a shell of protection around herself and her family. We are never sure what lies beneath within her mysterious depths – but we know that her motivation is Love. Tidal and cyclical, her security and that of her family is more important than anything else.
At the start of this New Moon Cycle, Pluto challenges. He threatens to tear our reality apart. He wants things his own way. He sees only the necessity for change. He plays on the depths of our collective consciousness. His motivational force is so powerful that he often seems oblivious to the concepts of compassion, sensitivity, security and empathy. He will ‘throw the baby out with the bath water’, destroy old, outdated modes of behaviour and will ultimately transform whatever needs to be reborn anew. Like the most sensitive mother with the most vulnerable children, the New Cancer Moon is up to the challenge. Her shell is resistant to attack. Pluto shouldn’t underestimate the power of a mother in the act of protecting her children. Inevitably changes will be ultimately on her terms.
Within our own lives, those of our immediate family and our environment, we may each be faced with enormous challenges. Potentially transformational events are occuring in the wider world. The New Moon is accompanied by a solar eclipse. Our fate and the fate of mankind are in balance. There are likely to be New Beginnings on a grand scale.
(Grand Trine: Venus, Uranus and Pluto in Earth signs, New Moon Trine Neptune, Jupiter stationary direct in Scorpio, Venus trine Saturn, square between Mars and Uranus that continues until October).
The astrologically fired climate is hot and intense (particularly so for those whose birth charts are touched by any of the aspect points). We are on the wildest, fiercest fairground ride. “It’s going too fast! What’s going to happen? When will it end?” We could all be transformed by the end of this cycle. One of the best things about astrology is that one learns that all phases are ultimately finite. The Universe and her cycles eventually move on. So how we choose to act and how we control our emotions in reaction to any set of current challenges is ultra-important – particularly now! We need to access all our resources and to hold firm. Dangerous to ‘fight the flow’. We also need to be aware of the consequences of our behaviour and to keep ourselves grounded in the practical Earthy energy available to us. (Uranus, Pluto. Venus Grand Trine in Earth)
Here are some suggestions to consider when forming our wishes and intentions for the approaching Lunar Cycle:
Suggested meditation: With bare feet placed firmly on the earth or imagining the same, visualise the presence of the New Moon in Cancer above you, as yet invisible, mysterious and full of potential, lying conjunct the Sun in the darkness. Consider the inevitability of approaching changes as you surrender to the lunar energy. Tune into her tides as they ebb and flow, the cyclical nature of the Universe, her protective mother energy. Open yourself to the possibility of images appearing in the dark sky that represent positive change in your life. Some you may not yet recognise. After 5 minutes or so, consider the following:
The storm might rage but this New Moon presents particularly unique opportunities for positive change on all levels. The sign of loving, caring Mother energy, Cancer will fundamentally address issues to do with nurture and the protection of the Earth and all its people. If we fail to recognise signs of change, we will be forced to do so by unexpected events and crisis.
The Cardinal nature of Cancer encourages the creation and initiation of new ideas and new projects to embrace the security of everyone in the world.
The combination of aspects at this New Moon could also spark off natural, life changing events such as earthquakes and volcanic activity. Political temperatures might be raised to an equivalent level of extreme volatility creating continuing political confrontations with conclusions both positive and negative. Issues concerning the creation of undeserving victims are likely to become the main focus of political activity. Threats to homes and children, in particular, are likely to bring situation to crisis point and disruption is inevitable. We all deserve to live securely and without fear.
Posturing and polarisation abounds! Brexit, in the UK, grinds on amid controversy and opposition, children are killed and imprisoned elsewhere and abused and neglected elsewhere in numbers we would have been horrified by a few years ago. This has to change and it’s probably impossible for it to do so without passions running high on both the sides (both perpetrators and defenders of victims). Unfortunately, insensitive people in power may represent the Plutonic energy as well as those who fiercely oppose them! Attitudes like, “We will get our way by whatever means necessary,” are likely to promote volcanic-like eruptions where spontaneous emotional outbursts spill out in unnecessarily exaggerated ways from all directions.
President Trump is visiting Britain on the 13th July. The New Moon occurs in the first house of London and on the Moon of the UK chart. Emotions are high. It seems that opposition and confrontation of Plutonic proportions in reaction to the visit will be inevitable. It’s all part of the storm! We could, of course, lock ourselves in the hold of our boats and refuse to come out until the storm is over but, if we do, the fight may implode – messy and painful in a small space. Accessing and exercising calm, logic and temperance in all our communications with each other, however strongly we feel might be difficult – but very important.
We pray (to our chosen Great Spirit, real or imagined), that the energy and strength of this New Cancer Moon will bring about positive change.
Astrology tells us not to despair. The changes lead towards a more positive future.
Affirmation: You want me to move, to shift my consciousness, to reassess what makes me secure? Make me. I am up to the challenge. Stir up my waters until I find I can no longer stay still. I will change by absorbing the nature of changing tides around me. I will ‘go with the flow’ without fear – secure, confident and trusting in the peace of my inner self. I will act with positivity and love.
All change!
Jaki Miles-Windmill D.F.Astrol.S
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