New Moon in Capricorn – 17th January 02:17 (GMT)
Full Moon in Leo (eclipse) – 31st January 2018
Who am I? Time to find out! We greet the Spirit of Capricorn with the respect she deserves – an opportunity for Progress!
Happy New Calendar Year, a New Beginning for all of us. The last Lunar Cycle ends and we have the opportunity to take advantage of Capricorn’s earthy and creative, practicality. The Capricorn New Moon on the 17th slows us down, forces us to ‘take stock’ and brings the energy of determination, courage and organisation. We can create fresh structures and initiatives. She clears away the superfluous and helps us to make firm foundations based on self-knowledge and truth. Capricorn reminds us of our need to be aware that our process is on- going. What we reap, we will sow.
We are in the depths of mid-winter – in more ways than one – but the Sun is slowly and steadily returning. The image is of an old and Wise Woman, a sage and responsible presence, standing still and observing everything around her, sensing and clarifying what is needed to go forward in positivity. She is a teacher, an organiser, a builder of structures. She will ‘brook no nonsense’ from those who attempt to blind her with illusions, forked tongues or posturing. This woman is kindness and caring itself but she can also be stern, detached and unyielding if she feels that is necessary – as all the best teachers are. She will not accept excuses. The dog did not ‘eat your homework’! She will keep you in school until you have learned your lessons! She knows when you have fully understood and we work for ‘gold stars’ and acknowledgement of our best efforts.
The major lesson for us is to ‘get real’ and ‘get on’. The Galaxy sends reinforcements to this New Moon by surrounding her with Saturn, Mercury, Pluto, and Venus, all in Capricorn! Capricorn is female and Cardinal. She is an Earth sign, ruled by Saturn. She is an initiator of projects and ideas with her eyes set on clear goals. She is intention, ambition and relevant, practical action personified. The structures of our lives that deal with the fundamental fabric of our being are ruled by Capricorn – trivia and superficial is not for her. Saturn is the ruler of Time. Perhaps it’s time all of us learned some more serious lessons. Capricorn moves forward with clear and steady purpose – like a goat, slowly climbing upwards on tiny feet, aiming for the top of the mountain – scaling sheer rock walls and traversing narrow ridges with integrity and determination.
With six planets in Capricorn and Uranus in Aries, we are surrounded by Cardinality. We can organise, structure our ideas and initiate clear, necessary action. Until March 9th, every planet in our Galaxy moves, unusually, in a forward motion. Time to establish our purpose and goals so that we can climb steadily towards our own personal mountain tops.
Time to set or own foundations and goals for the month ahead. With such strong Capricorn energy surrounding us, the intentions and wishes made now will strongly affect us for even the next twelve months. We are answering a call to help heal ourselves and the Earth itself. Here are some suggestions for contemplation before the New Moon begins her journey:
Meditation: Visualise your own, unique building where all the things you would like to do, to see, to create can be initiated and enabled in the coming Lunar Month. Visualise the rooms and their contents, create beautiful empty spaces and outside space.
We are living in an atmosphere where some people seek to dominate and make ever tighter structures and rules that limit freedom and well-being. Attempts to discipline, structure and contain are inevitably restrictive of basic human rights throughout the world. Within the present ‘Capricorn climate’, it’s easy to imagine that the minority who hold the majority of power (governments, the intelligence services, surveillance etc.) will attempt to increase their control over the majority of people. Like a school, dominated by powerful and inflexible teachers, an awareness of a currently dominating ‘Capricorn culture’ can be oppressive and frightening.
Bring in the Rebels! The full strength of Uranus in Aries, square this New Moon – and also, possibly, as determined to get his own Cardinal way – might stimulate a reaction in those who see good reasons for radical change within this New Moon cycle. The spirits of Rebellion and Revolution are in the building! At 90 degrees to the babble of school teachers stands a metaphorical Che Guevara. He will strongly challenge authority and demand positive change. In turn, Capricorn may inadvertently charge him with the energy to work hard to get it! Those with the kind of authority that relishes oppression may seriously be in for a surprise at the vehemence of those who disagree with them and who believe in freedom and fairness. There could be a ‘stand-off’ between two sides of polarised views during this Lunar Month.
We can look forward to the possibility of a Uranus ‘break through’ as ‘Che Guevara’ takes up the challenge presented by the energy of Capricorn. Here’s his opportunity to draw plans for new structures and new goals. Here’s a chance to express ‘his’ ideas, to break down the rules and to build foundations needed for radical changes in society. This New Moon at 26 degrees 54′ of Capricorn (approx.30 degrees from the Galactic Centre in Sagittarius) suggests spiritual awakening and the opportunity for a profound shift of consciousness. Mars conjunct Jupiter in Scorpio adds passion to the energy of the cycle (5 degrees, separating) and, two weeks later, an ebullient, dignified and expressive Full Moon in Leo occurs on 31st January on the Nodal Axis. Perhaps this is a chance for the ‘Creatives’ to take charge – and a huge opportunity for social metamorphosis! Those who crave change may be called on to become more ‘visible’ and to stand up and be counted. Both Capricorn and Leo demand respect.
This intense Capricorn New Moon is unlikely to ‘suffer fools gladly’. A lot will be spoken and explosions could occur between differing beliefs. Hopefully, we will all learn our lessons well during the approaching New Moon Cycle. Let New Foundations, Progress and Wisdom prevail!
“I wish it need not have happened in my time,” said Frodo.
“So do I,” said Gandalf, “and so do all who live to see such times. But that is not for them to decide. All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us.”
J.R.R. Tolkien, The Fellowship of the Ring
Jaki Miles-Windmill D.F.Astrol.S
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