New Moon in Capricorn 23rd December 10:17 (GMT)
Full Moon in Cancer 6th January
“The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.” Eleanor Roosvelt
We are at the New Moon. Like a hidden, multi-facetted jewel manifesting in space, the moment is invisible to us and yet this moment is nevertheless suspended solidly in starlight, bright with stark reality. We have just passed the Winter Solstice (21st December 21.48) and we are almost at the end of the calendar year. From here, the Sun starts to turn northwards. Celebrations encourage warm, friendly hopes and dreams for the future, lying like newly born babies – pure, innocent, beautiful and full of potential…..
We hold our breath in anticipation of what will happen next! Five planets in Capricorn intensify the energy of the New Moon. At 10.17 on 23rd December, the New Moon stands at the side of the astrological wheel with a chorus consisting of Pluto, Mercury (retro 29th) and Venus close by. They hum a soft, percussive melody. Venus is trine Uranus/North Node and square to Chiron. Peoples of the world are likely to rebel and to speak out for the future of the Earth. Injustices can no longer be ignored. In the days after Mercury turns direct on 18th January, progress will be made and attention very likely given to urgent issues highlighted by the New Moon in Capricorn.
Mercury sextiles Neptune (a significant spiritual concept perhaps could occupy the news). The focus is on the final breaking down of structures created by Pluto’s long passage through Capricorn (now 29˚). Confidence grows and justice shouts out its truth as Jupiter, just in Aries and square the New Moon, joins Chiron, puts some distance between himself and Neptune (still dreaming in Pisces). Jupiter sprinkles energy, joy, luck, stardust and good fortune on every new enterprise undertaken. We are being urged to action and can only accept the challenge!
The New Capricorn Moon cycle encapsulates earthiness, practicality and a grace that is full of potential positivity. Lessons have been learned and understood. The North Node conjunct the Uranus/South Node axis (Taurus/Scorpio) stands centre stage within the New Moon chart. Astride the North Node, the base line of a finger of fate points towards the South Node (Mars Gemini sextile Chiron Aries inconjunct SN). Our deepest fears and desires have been exposed like jangled nerves over the last months. We could become clumsy with each other’s feelings as truth confronts, confusion reigns and we struggle to understand the past. Humanity’s state of equilibrium – and the Earth’s urgent need for nurture and balance – are the focus of activity as we ponder massively on important issues – restless as fireflies in the night and more conscious than ever about mistakes made. Yet, despite all, we receive clear and sentimental moments of Love and Spirit. We may also experience fleeting light bulb bursts of insight. We are re-defining the past in all its glorious and morbid reality, understanding clearer the meaning and significance of past and present events – and the importance of planning for the future. We could consequently find ourselves making wild gestures of love and pure joy as we set our promises and pledges out for the future. It’s that time of year!
The shiny New Moon becomes a sliver that brings yet another new opportunity for a new start – made more special by being the last one of 2022. Capricorn is an Earth sign, ruled by Saturn and it is Cardinal – full of new impulses and ideas. It is a responsible, thoughtful energy that supports the best of traditions but is also capable of organising new structures in the blink of a cosmic eye when necessary. It is both curious and careful, cool and objective, creative, spiritual and emotional. Traditionally, Capricorn holds her cards closely to her chest and walks steadily and purposefully forwards like a goat with her eyes firmly fixed on her destination, however difficult she knows the path to reach it might be. This energy is useful as we make plans for a New Year.
Saturn, the ruler of Capricorn stands significantly un-aspected in Fixed Aquarius. He is leading manoeuvres into Aquarian energy. Aquarius, ruled by Uranus, encapsulates the energies of rebellion and change which are well on their way. Pluto enters Aquarius on March 23rd 2023 (out for a while from June but finally ingressing in January, 2024 – until 2044). There will be a massive shift of gear that no one is likely to be able to ignore. The nature of power – and how it is used – changes both outside in the wider world and within ourselves. Aquarius is far less conventional than Capricorn – an Air sign that is humanitarian, experimental, community-aware and far seeing.
Within the energy of the New Capricorn Moon, we have the opportunity to reconnect with the Earth – both beneath our feet and within us. We contact our inner cores, developing and honing our perceptions and knowledge – and consequently positively altering our personal journeys. We continue to explore who and what we are in depth – as individuals and as part of the human race. This Moon lends a powerful impetus, with which we can strengthen our resolves and resolutions before we launch into the unchartered spaces of 2023!
We look forward with hope from this point, drawing on the grounded and thoughtful Capricorn energy. As we create our intentions and dream our dreams for the approaching Lunar Month and for the New Year, we exercise awareness, curiosity and caution, acknowledging the power of the Winter Solstice and Christmas Celebrations:
Suggested meditation:
Imagine yourself alone in a snow bound cabin in woods – post Christmas may be a calmer projection! There is a roaring fire, plenty of logs, candles, food, paper, pencils, books, a big sofa and blankets. You are safe. There is no contact with the outside world but you know you will be rescued within a few days. 2023 is only a few days away so visualise how you might use this time in preparation for when you are back in the real world. You may have as much rest and dreamtime as you need but you are planning for the approaching Lunar Month, knowing that your intentions will affect the New Year. What will you write, draw, manifest, given the shifting energies of the approaching year within the safe and structured inner space in which you find yourself at this moment. This is an opportunity to prepare yourself for the future:
Nature, in the Northern Hemisphere, withdraws and hibernates at this time of year. Elsewhere in the world, holidays alter routines. We dream and re-charge, dabbling in abundance and seeking to store resources and create new ideas and further security. We are reminded of the survival practices of our ancestors. We meet others for reassurance and embrace the familiar. We luxuriate in the peace of our inner ‘log cabin’! But we know that, as the ingress of Pluto into Aquarius begins, we will embark on adventures into the future, traveling to places we may have thought were only possible in our dreams.
We prepare ourselves to experience huge advances in communications and technology and open ourselves to possible mind-blowing changes in the way that our lives will be led. Perhaps we will become conscious of other life forms and will find ways of exploring inner spaces and virtual realities. Perhaps Artificial Intelligence will lead us into medical discoveries that enable us to live longer. Perhaps advancing science will force us to make serious moral decisions about the nature, purpose and meaning of Life itself.
Happy New Year!
“If you think in terms of a year, plant a tree; if in terms of ten years, plant trees; if in terms of 100 years, teach the people.” Confucious
Jaki Miles-Windmill D.F.Astrol,S
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