New Moon in Gemini – 22nd May 18:39 (BST)
Full Moon Eclipse in Sagittarius – 5th June 20:12
“Hope is the thing with feathers
That perches in the soul
And sings the tune without the words
And never stops at all.”
Emily Dickinson
Within these strange times, we experience moods that can change from minute to minute – from black to white through all shades of the rainbow in between. We are often prone to random spurts of activity followed by sweeps of tiredness – and moments of clarity followed by overwhelming confusion and sadness. We welcome the New Moon in Gemini that brings with it the energy of positivity, adaptability, creativity and communication.
The New Moon on 22nd May helps us to focus on our interactions with each other. We will also perhaps be communicating more often with our inner selves in finding validation for our own habits and personality traits. Who are we anyway and how did we pass all the time within the freedom that we experienced before the virus? Everything seems different, changeable and sometimes ominous and unstable. Along comes the energy of Gemini – an Air Sign. He is Mutable and ruled by Mercury. His energy can be as quick and as tricky as a wayward, drunken butterfly – and just as hard to catch. The image is that of a chameleon-like young man – able to change shape and attitude like a flurry-some breeze spiralling through hot air. He is hard to ignore as he muses, jokes, talks, laughs, snipes, whirls and moves amongst us. He soaks in information constantly in the hope that he will finally be convinced that what he believes is right, truly is. He is attracted to the most rational of concepts – only to change his mind when he is distracted by something more interesting and alternative!
Under the influence of this New Moon in Gemini, we feel compelled to search for our own ‘Truth’ – to find certainty, to share stories and to reassess our beliefs and convictions. We, like Gemini, are likely to be more experimental – even if only in the exploration of our inner worlds – our physical freedom being, at this moment, restricted! On the 22nd May, six planets and the Nodal axis are in mutable signs and four of those (and the North Node) are in Air (Gemini). The internet – and technology of all kinds – has become super-important as a major means of communication. We may find that we form views, then de-construct them and reconstruct them again in rapid succession. We examine our own motivations and those of others – explore new avenues of thought, possibilities and choices that we plan to follow in the future once the pandemic has passed.
The intentions made at the beginning of every Lunar Month are always an opportunity to make a new start – perhaps never more so this month, when many of us feel as if we are existing in some mysteriously ‘foreign’ territory. The astrological patterns beaming down upon us from the Universe are intense. We seem to receive new, confusing messages and information daily but with Gemini’s help, we will become better equipped to understand and digest it. Here are some issues to consider carefully before to form our wishes and intentions for the approaching month:
Suggested spoken Intention: I affirm that I will trust in and open to the positivity of the changes around and before me. I will adjust and go ‘with the flow’ in the knowledge that Universal Love surrounds us all!
We may not yet be fully conscious of the magnitude of the transition we are in the process of experiencing but we can be certain that we are moving into a future that is different from the past. Around us are strong feelings and emotional reactions. This Lunar Month, we have an opportunity to get to grips with the machinations, contradictions and confusion of rhetoric and to begin to unravel and make sense of it. The sluggishness and secrecy of the ‘old order’ will inevitably give way and the changes we experience innately within the circumstances of the pandemic over the last months are nevertheless lumbering inevitably towards their conclusions.
The Gemini New Moon, trine the ongoing Pluto, Jupiter, conjunction (Capricorn) is within a degree of perfect conjunction with Saturn in Aquarius (ruled by Uranus, the planet of rebellion). Energy is gradually and inevitably changing quality as Saturn and Jupiter move towards Aquarius at the end of the year. Last month’s square between the New Moon and Saturn faced us bluntly with the difficulties we confront re the global Pandemic. Now there is easier communication and understanding – and a growing consciousness of the necessity to change the structures within which we live. Mars is square the New Moon and sextile to Uranus (Taurus). We are getting on with ‘the job in hand’ – at last. Changes are now more likely to unfold involving fresh innovations and completely new ideas, perhaps involving new technology. Gemini helps us to energetically challenge ourselves to find workable and unique solutions to present problems. Perhaps this will be a month when decisive ways of dealing with the pandemic emerge. Neptune in Pisces exactly squares the Mercury/Venus conjunction in Gemini (conjunct NN) and urgently challenges us to not only dream of a better future but to waste no more time in getting to grips with a more positive reality.
Gemini supports communications of all kinds – mental activity, conversation, meetings and discussions, technology-driven or otherwise. We access the tools leant by Neptune – of Vision, Innovation and access to the knowledge of our highest Consciousness. Here is an opportunity for a flurry of shared ideas – and decisive manifestation. We may finally ferret out sophisticated and humane solutions to problems that have emerged from the depths of the Pluto/Saturn conjunction (augmented and fired up by Jupiter’s expansive presence). There is bound to be resistance but we have a unique opportunity this month share Love and Forgiveness.
Life may feel harsh at this time – and we would love to have reassurance that things will soon be better for everyone. Perhaps reassurance will inevitably begin with ourselves. From the depths of residual confusion, uncertainty, frustration, sadness and restriction, we can this month affirm the certainty that a better world is possible for all of us. We can use the energy of the New Moon in Gemini to focus on creating a positive future that considers the needs of Humanity as ONE. The world in which we have existed – often as part of unequal and fractured societies – will pass. Time to visualise change at the end of the tunnel.
“Once you choose hope, anything’s is possible,”
Christopher Reeve.
Jaki Miles-Windmill D.F.Astrol,S
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