The New Moon is on April 25th at 20:44 (BST).
Iridescent and fluttering like a butterfly in the night sky, the New Moon in Gemini inspires all of us to allow our thoughts the freedom of flight, to inspire and be inspired by others and to drink in the nature of change.
It’s time to make time for others, time to talk and to communicate. It’s time to let our thoughts run free and to allow ourselves to be fired by sparks of inspiration as we ponder what we most care about. It’s time to share our thoughts, to reach out to others, to visit friends and spend time with the communities we are involved with. It’s time to allow our thoughts and communications to spread far and wide and to be open to communication from others.
Gemini is an air sign, ruled by Mercury. Our thoughts have an opportunity to flow like quicksilver and our movements to become fluid at this time of the New Moon on 25th May. We can allow ourselves the freedom to flow within and outside of ourselves. We can be more optimistic and communicative generally. We can look, hear, sense and act with a sense of lightness and speed. We can give wing to fresh thoughts and respond to the thoughts of others. We can choose to explore streams of diversity that lead us into new spaces to learn new things. We can allow ourselves to receive inspiration. The New Moon in Gemini gives us a space within which we can play.
The image is of a bright, lively and thoughtful child exploring the world around her and never pausing for long in one place. There is always something catching her eye – sounds, textures, smells, ideas that she wants to investigate. She dances through the landscape searching for new experiences and, from her curiosity and play, she learns about the world both inside and outside of her. From the conclusions she comes to, her personality grows and becomes adult. The Gemini Moon allows us to become a joyful child.
What in particular needs our attention at this New Moon? We need to take advantage of the opportunity to spread our wings and to explore. Here are some possibilities to consider and to contemplate in order to help focus our wishes and intentions before the energy of the New Lunar Month on 25th May at 20:44 starts buzzing, flying and flowing.
As I sit within my own space and contemplate my thoughts, my intention is to open to inspiration involving thought, communication and travel:
There’s ‘a whole lot of talking going on’ around us at this time! The problem for us is sorting out what is honest, straight talking and what might be ‘sleight of hand’ or outright deception. Perhaps it’s time for us to look at the validity and integrity of our own habits of thinking and communication too. Behind the excitable, fluid, cheerful and seemingly objective rhetoric of the energy of Gemini, there may be some tricky thinking.
This New Moon has a significantly hard (sesquiquadrate) aspect to Pluto that will affect its impact and significance both globally and on a personal level. This intense, challenging and potentially destructive aspect may bring with it culmination and crisis of the vengeful kind. Like poison coming up to the surface, resulting boils might reach bursting point and even more secrets and deception could emerge into the open. Poison has to be purged! But there will naturally be strong reactions to this. Hopefully, the ongoing ‘Dastardly Drama’ (which has reached the heights and depths of the darkest Victorian melodramas) might eventually lead to a conclusion of resolution and healing. Here is an opportunity for real communication. Humanity obviously can’t go on in the way it has recently – without a few necessary lanced boils followed by the inevitable clearing away of present poisonous contributions to universal pain!
It’s impossible to look at the effects of this New Moon without mentioning the unexpected British General Election that takes place on 8th June, just one day before the culmination of the energy when the Full Moon in Sagittarius arrives on 9th June at 14:09. By then we will know the results. Will the Conservatives stay in power or will there be a radical change to a Labour government? Pluto transforms and reveals all and his energy challenges the Full Moon in the sign of freedom and justice loving Sagittarius. We might cautiously be optimistic about the outcome of the election.
The New Moon in Gemini focusses on everything involving communication, journeys and the nature of our personal and interactive movements. We move, flow, resist, surge, rest, work like molecules in the interconnected sea of Humanity. Our minds are unique components – constantly relating to each other. Perhaps we should be extra aware – and more cautious – how we think, connect and move about this Lunar Month. Maybe we could be more aware of the possible ‘Butterfly Effects’ in the connections between us. What we do and say – as one small individual within the collective – may well have effects on all other people and events – those close to us and those far away. Focussing on the symbol of the Gemini twins, we might become more receptive to responsibility for our own, thoughtful and unique integrity – and our contribution to the concept ‘the other’, of ‘One Love’ and the collective consciousness of all Humanity.
Some humour:
“Today a young man ……. realised that all matter is merely energy condensed to a slow vibration, that we are all one consciousness experiencing itself subjectively, there is no such thing as death, life is only a dream, and we are the imagination of ourselves. Here’s Tom with the Weather.”
Bill Hicks.
Jaki Miles-Windmill D.F.Astrol.S
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