New Moon in Gemini 30th May 12:30 (BST)
Full Moon in Sagittarius 14th June
“Talk,” said the New Moon in Gemini, “tell me what you think. I want to hear your Truth,” “I’m trying,” answered the woman, “just let me work out what ‘Truth’ is first.….” anonymous
The New Moon is in Gemini. Sun and Moon together lead the way through the zodiac in the early hours of 30th May, the other planets stretched out behind like a stardust trail. The nearest planet, Mercury at 26 degrees of Taurus, is retrograde until 3rd June and is staring at the North Node, just 5 degrees behind him. Venus is closing in on Uranus from 14 degrees away (also both in Taurus) bringing the concept that individuality, innovation and independence can walk hand in hand with love and balance. It is, indeed, time to communicate more, to think in depth and to investigate what the future of mankind might be within these present universal forces. It’s time to exchange views, to ponder on events, to investigate and seek out further understanding and knowledge for ourselves and each other for humanity.
The Gemini New Moon brings us our monthly gift – the chance for a new start and a shift of energy. Our Moon oversees love, care, nurture and our practise in relationship to the fluctuating rhythms and planetary cycles that are integral to our lives. The yearly lunar cycles rule the subtle changes of energies that assist the choices we make regarding what we need to move forwards smoothly in our lives. Gemini is an Air sign, ruled by Mercury and Mutable in quality. He is, traditionally, the ‘Messenger of the Gods’. Unusually un-aspected this month, this New Moon will strongly influence our thinking, our speech, our movements and all our communications for the next lunar month. It’s a clear message to us to review and renew ‘all things Mercury’.
Gemini is a butterfly, flitting from flower to flower, touching and contacting each one, drinking knowledge from each beauty that attracts him – and learning from what he discovers. We have time to prepare newly conceived ideas, projects and concepts carefully before Mercury moves direct again on the 3rd – especially anything that involves communication. Ideas might prove to be ‘slow burners’ at first but, with patience, should show results by the time of the Full Moon in Sagittarius! We begin in a doldrum of slower energy but Mercury moving direct on 3rd will catapult us forward!
Mercury is both fluidly mutable and airy (cerebral) in his behaviour, whatever energies are being presented by other planets. Above all, Mercury rules Gemini and, even though the month begins with Mercury retrograde, nothing is ever truly ‘static’ around him. He is a chameleon, constantly moving, ‘ducking and diving’ and adjusting the nature of his energy qualities according to the situations he finds himself. Mercury’s present events of contact and communications inevitably have great influence on the unfolding of our lives and we are reminded that no situation or ‘phase’ lasts for ever. Changes don’t necessarily have to take a long time. They can happen in an instant.
Mercury, conjunct the North Node, is trine Pluto in Capricorn (opposite the South Node in Scorpio). Communication assists transformation! We are encouraged to clearly understand both truth and deception from the past and to use the knowledge to move forward positively. Secrets continue to emerge which will be discussed and their conclusions digested. Eager for change, we will clarify what ‘is’ and what ‘is not’, delving into our own lives and issues in the outside world to find meaning and insight. Mercury square Saturn in Aquarius brings a sense of general sadness as we begin to see problems more objectively eg remaining issues such as those caused by Covid, the war in the Ukraine and restrictions of movement. Saturn in Aquarius goes retrograde on 4th June until October. We review the events of the past in an attempt to find meaning and understanding. At the time of New Moon, Saturn still holds the apex of the T square with the Nodal axis. It’s a significant time in history.
Mars conjunct Jupiter in Aries, as the month begins, is not in direct aspect to the New Moon but nevertheless brings a strong influence to the astrological picture and indicates the continuation of war, general conflict and spontaneous, explosive, ill-considered outbursts of energy of all kinds. However, the conjunction also brings with it, optimism, an awareness of the urgent need for justice, freedom and positive action. Chiron, at 15 degrees of Aries, still focusses us on the wounds of the world and our need to find solutions to conflicting interests but Uranus, conjunct the North Node in Taurus, brings innovation and unexpected solutions.
The energy of this month may start slowly but expands steadily into positivity. Here are some suggestions for focus as we create our intentions and wishes on the New Moon in Gemini:
Dream Time: Allow yourself either to meditate or spend ‘dream time’ in nature. Open yourself to the possibility of visions and concepts from other levels of consciousness within this state.
Note what you receive.
Neptune in Pisces, is on the midpoint between Mercury and Pluto at New Moon, weaving the fairy dust of inspiration, intuition and imagination through our thought processes. This increases our ability to communicate on deeper levels and to make necessary changes. Neptune is, however, in a wide conjunction with Jupiter and Mars, perhaps leading us to imagine or foresee disasters and to be influenced by fears that may not be based on balanced thinking. For instance, around 9th June, there’s a possibility that delusions could cause unfounded panic reactions to events – Moon in Libra opposite Chiron, Mars and Jupiter.
The Summer Solstice occurs on 21st June as the Sun enters the sign of Cancer (Northern Hemisphere) and everything suddenly seems physically and metaphorically lighter. Meetings with others at the Summer Solstice to talk, enjoy contact and to share our experiences are likely to be particularly potent. People are coming together all over the world to give voice to their feelings and are demonstrating their strength and unity as Venus remains steady, a presence of love and hope – earthed and standing alone at the beginning of Taurus. Positive change is happening.
Affirmation: We will communicate and share with others from our hearts – a place of clarity, truth and reality. We are changing and evolving.
Here’s to positivity, health, knowledge, abundance and the fulfilment of our dreams!
“Positive thinkers see the invisible, feel the intangible and achieve the impossible.” Anonymous
Jaki Miles-Windmill D.F.Astrol,S
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