New Moon in Leo – 19th August 03:42 (BST)
Full Moon in Pisces – 2nd September
“Exhausted, weighed down and soggy with rain, a breeze gently passes. The kite flutters and a corner of it rises from the puddle. Time to fly! From stagnant desolation, she rises from the water, her reflection silvery bright. The changing Wind! She has waited a long time for rescue and her chance is here, in the essence of this moment. She trembles in the presence of the Hope that exists within the Now. She trusts and she surrenders to the breeze as it lifts her. Her heart flutters. She rises, she soars and prepares to bear witness, already tasting freedom and the wisdom she will find in the eagle-eye view of the storm-battered landscape.” J.Dubbs
New Moon in Leo! Lights! Action! Lift off! The new Moon is conjunct Mercury and, not only is it part of a harmonious Grand Fire Trine (South Node in Sagittarius and Mars in Aries), it also is part of a Kite, being sextile the North Node in Gemini (Air!). A Kite and a Grand Trine! Here are two good reasons for optimism and the chance to grab an opportunity to find clarity and direction within this lunar month.
Leo is a masculine sign, fixed, fiery and ruled by the Sun. He is The Lion – powerful, charismatic, dignified, energetic and egotistical, led always by the courage of his heart to protect and feed his family. He is strong and beautiful. He is dynamism, confidence and happiness incarnate. He is incandescent and shiny – a force of nature manifesting the energies of creativity and love. He savours and celebrates life, whatever his circumstances. He walks with sunshine filling his fierce heart and firing his emotions! He protects his family and encourages us to become aware of our potential for abundance. He brings us the gift of optimism.
Other aspects in the Universe at the time of this new Moon bring ripples of negativity that continue to create fear but, within this moment of pure Sun/Lunar energy, the new Moon in Leo motivates us to focus on the strength and purity of our core life-force. Conjunct Mercury in Leo, he encourages us to manifest the confidence to speak our truths from our hearts and to recharge the potency of our Chi energy as we make our intentions and wishes. Here are some ideas that may direct our focus as the lunar month begins:
Suggested meditation:
Sitting in a quiet space, become aware of the energy of the Sun and Moon conjunct in Leo and this dynamic opportunity to cleanse, heal, appreciate, grow, create, and to assert our individuality within the Universe. Visualise pure healing energy around and within you. Allow the light of the new Moon to pervade your body, cleansing and re-energising your physical, emotional and spiritual self. Focus on your heart and, with every breath, draw in love, confidence, courage. Create a space within you where strength, vitality, joy and enthusiasm can thrive and rejuvenate. Become aware too of gentle waves of wisdom coming directly to you from the Centre of the Galaxy. Feel the energy of liberation, freedom, love and inspiration as they saturate your whole being. Allow yourself to accept new possibilities, ideas and visions.
Affirmation: I will act from my highest level of heart-motivated integrity and will, this lunar month, plant positive seeds for the future.
Our planet Earth rotates on the outer edges of the cosmic spiral that is the Milky Way. The South Node, at the moment of new Moon in Leo on August 19th, is one degree from being exactly conjunct the Galactic Centre (26 degrees Sagittarius). The Nodal Axis of the Earth is resonating, like a tuning fork, with the vibrations of Divine Consciousness that are streaming directly from the centre of the galaxy and are joining with the new Moon energy. Humanity (individually and collectively) is being bombarded with truth, wisdom and other inspirational information that will affect all levels of our existence. If we consciously tune in, we may become aware of inner adjustments and receive unusual ideas and inspirations. Some of us may be unaware of shifts and changes that are happening subliminally. Whether conscious or subconscious, our behaviour is likely to subtly alter.
The channel of energy from the Galactic Centre seeks to enlighten us. It finds, still, a world where confusion, imbalanced, uncertainty and a lack compassion, shortage of essential provisions and often unenlightened leadership still feeds polarity of opinion and conflict. Erratic global weather reflects the nature of astrological aspects and unexpected earth movements might also contribute to the confusion.
Mars in Aries still holds down the intransigent Saturn, Pluto, Jupiter conjunction in Capricorn (Mars, exactly square Pluto on 13th August, continues off and on until the end of December). Governments hold on to their power and restrictive structures tenuously hold their shape, often refusing to adjust in any way. Uranus in Taurus has become stationary/retrograde (15th August), which creates a propensity for rebellion, ‘explosions’, sudden reality checks and unexpected events. The new Moon in Leo is inconjunct the Pluto, Saturn, Jupiter stellium and so the tension pulls even tighter. This is likely to spark more misplaced displays of ego and dangerously delusional behaviour that could lead to rash and inappropriate decisions – not only from those in power but also from those who believe in the many conspiracy theories connected with the Covid virus (some of which might of course be true!).
The gridlock of the Plutonic stellium opposes Venus in Cancer (square Chiron in Aries) and the awareness of the unnecessary suffering being experienced across the globe – and particularly in countries affected by war, neglect, interference and greed – is reaching a point where volatility and civil unrest are likely to peak and become impossible to ignore. Corruption and unexpected revelations continue to rise from the depths and to permeate the collective consciousness. The pandemic continues to rage, despite both honest and dishonest attempts to stop the infection from spreading. The stellium continues to attempt to suppress the build-up of thwarted anger! It’s patently obvious that this situation cannot go on indefinitely! The culmination of tension will inevitably become the catalyst that breaks the restrictive ropes, sending the ‘old order’ on its way to oblivion and making space for new concepts and structures to take their place (square with Mars finally passes towards the end of the year).
The concentration of Capricorn energy begins to lose its hold as the Saturn and Jupiter transit into the more humanitarian, thoughtful and innovative Aquarius by the end of the year. (Pluto moves into Aquarius in 2022). So – there are sound astrological reasons to feel optimistic that a ‘Horizon of Hope’ is looming ever closer. The Leo new Moon (being part of both Kite and Grand Trine) marks the beginning of the denouement of these harsh times! Hoorah! The nature of the creative, optimistic, loving and fiery sparks we create now hold the key to the ethos of the future. No pressure then! The new Moon demands to be treated with the dignity and attention he deserves!
As humanity, consciously or unconsciously, absorbs the subtle messages whispered from the Galactic Centre, we have, thanks to the new Moon, the opportunity to adjust our priorities, our moral compasses, our habits and our values! We are being strongly reminded to consider the needs of others and of the need to disarm the greedy, elitist primordial urges of some – if we are to right the imbalance around us. There will ultimately be no other way to go forward. We need, perhaps, to look at the circumstances of humanity from a broader, objective perspective (the viewpoint of the kite!) and use the energy of our hearts – of compassion, empathy and love – to lead us forward!
Ho, the New Moon in Leo!
Somewhere, (humour me!) I imagine Aslan, (the wise lion from Narnia) whispering reassuring secrets in our ears at this Leo new Moon – if only we have the will to listen to his gentle growls.
“You have listened to fears, Child,” said Aslan. “Come, let me breath on you. Forget them. Are you brave again?” ‘The Chronicles of Narnia’, CS Lewis
Magical changes are on their way!
Jaki Miles-Windmill D.F.Astrol,S
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