The New Moon is on October 19th at 20:11 (BST). Full Moon in Aries on 4th November.
Libra walks a tightrope created by the desire for balance and the pursuit of perfection in relationships. It aims for harmony, love and peace – but such high expectations often involve the occasional and inevitable fall when the scales are tipped one way or the other by both inner and outer circumstances. Is true perfection possible anyway? Or should we simply strive to create as much inner balance as possible so that our Light can shine outwards from us to help to create an even more beautiful world?
The image is of a romantic young man, eyes full of love, hands full of flowers, his intentions honest and hopeful, walking through the doorway to meet his love – only to be confronted, not by the object of his dreams, but by someone or something entirely unexpected. The situation is not what he thought it was going to be and he has to embrace these new circumstances quickly and be willing to change his ideas and trust in the validity of the moment in order that his own integrity remains intact. The alternative is fear and panic, the scales of balance tipping out of balance – and a fall. Another alternative is that he blanks the reality of what is in front of him and denies it, turning back to where he came from and refusing to acknowledge. There lies pain.
The New Moon in Libra on 19th October opposes Uranus. The Fire trine (North Node, Uranus and Saturn) blazes in the sky. Unease-making and unexpectedly difficult situations are likely to occur this Lunar Month and the challenge is how quickly we can compromise and adjust whilst regaining and retaining perfect balance – sometimes not easy for Libran energy. This is an opportunity to learn through compromise and adjustment. We need to see the difficulties clearly and then to seek new ways to find harmony and peace – both as individuals and in the world-wide arena.
It’s time to exercise our concepts of ‘wiggle room’ and to innovatively be prepared to change our normal ways of behaviour in order to deal with what emerges with this Libra New Moon. Hopefully this will increase our awareness of what is truly necessary to achieve inner balance and harmony. Libra is the Cardinal Air sign, ruled by Venus – the goddess of Love. Some of us might be aware of the more ‘air-headed’ qualities of this gentle sign in its perpetual quest for harmony. It’s easy to forget that Libra is a strong initiator of new ideas too. He knows how to find ways to create melodious ‘music’ around him. We can access the raw Beauty and fine balance that surrounds us always in the Universe at this time and learn not be phased when circumstances surround us with ugliness and disharmony. This coming month is an opportunity to establish our own unique individuality and independence – despite what else goes on.
At the beginning of this Lunar month, Mars is still in the last degrees of Virgo but is still close to Venus, now in Libra. Mars may help us to keep our actions practical – injecting our varied and colourful individual energies and purpose into the global need for balance. We are likely to become more aware of our need to help loved ones and to accept help from them too and to inter-act on all levels – even though this may call for more compromise than usual. We will need to tap our resources of courage to take full advantage of the energy. However, from his opposite position from the New Moon in Libra across the Universe, Uranus is screaming at us all to break out of our boxes. Change! Rebel! Be unique and independent! Mercury conjunct Jupiter in Scorpio is reminding us that there may be even more secrets to be revealed and, consequently, yet more adjustment and ‘straight talking’ to be done.
So we have some important issues to consider before we can fully form our intentions and wishes at the approach of this New Moon on 19th October:
From his opposition to the New Moon across the Universe, Uranus is screaming at the whole world to ‘break out’ and to learn to live in radically different ways outside the many ‘boxes’ we have inhabited for years within the collective consciousness of Humanity. The Universe is asking us to make positive changes now and for ever and our present situation demands radical ‘difference’. Uranus is still suggesting rebellion, new beginnings and a breaking down of outmoded barriers. Jupiter and Mercury call for some broadmindedness and subsequent thoughtful intentions in order to create new ideas, initiatives and philosophies before the New Moon occurs in Scorpio in November. We need to embrace in-depth negotiation to iron out differences and to aim purposefully for world-wide change that acknowledges the urgency for harmony, balance and peace.
The New Moon in Libra reflects the opportunity for change. Anger and violence are prevalent and frustrations are bursting out into the world from many places. Time for everyone to take notice. Issues such as the laws to do with the sale of arms and the funding and perpetration of wars need to be re thought urgently. The ‘right to bear arms’, as it stands in some countries, needs adjustment to get in step with the modern world – and there’s urgent need to work towards a cleaner environment and a world within which violence has no place. New ideas are emerging and polarised views need sensitive negotiation. It would seem that many old systems will inevitably need to dissolve in order that they can reform. Balance and harmony! The renovation of ‘old fashioned’ human rights for all needs to be re- established rather than swept away within chaos.
The energy of this New Moon brings such opportunity and how frightening it is too! We are, it would seem, on a huge roller coaster as it gains speed through the Universe, veering out of control and with a real possibility of jumping off its track completely – to career insanely into oblivion – taking us all with it! Time to be brave enough to create new and unlikely bonds, bridges and relationships, to trust in new possibilities and to leap with faith and hope into a new and harmonious future. Can we compromise, adjust AND keep our inner balance intact while we do this? We offer our uniqueness and individuality and we work towards the collective and positive future! Hold tight and keep your nerve!
“Today, wherever you go, carry the intention of Peace, Love and Harmony in your heart.” Buddha
Jaki Miles-Windmill D.F.Astrol.S
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