New Moon in Libra – 9th October 19:01 (BST)
Full Moon in Taurus, 24th October 2018
There’s a whirlwind around us. We can choose to open our windows and to allow some of that refreshing, wake-up air in – or we can keep the windows tightly closed and our heads under our duvets as if nothing is wrong, anywhere. Yet if we allow some of those same cosmic winds to come into our own space, we might find illumination, balance and transformation. We might create our own sense of peace and harmony from the inspiring energy available to us and then, perhaps, let some of that back out of the window to help to transform what is outside in the world too.
Libra energy always does its best to calm everything down – to make pleasant, balanced, harmonious and fair what has been complicated, unpleasant, confrontational and unbalanced. This new Moon Cycle presents us with a window of opportunity to work for peace and harmony and to project that love outwards from ourselves. It reminds us that, using our individual and collective desire for balance, we can work for change. So our efforts to find peace need strong, purposeful focus this Lunar Month. The Universe is on our side as we make our wishes and intentions with the full energy of the New Moon in Libra on the 9th October (the 8th Pacific time).
Libra is a Masculine, Air sign. He is Cardinal in quality. This helps us to focus on beginning new initiatives from a thoughtful and sensitive place. Ruled by Venus, he seeks harmony and balance beyond all else. The image is of a young man, beautiful and calm, walking carefully through an ever changing landscape. He considers intelligently as he travels, side-stepping difficulties, nimbly diverting around dangerous terrain, seeking always the best way forward. His equilibrium is an important focus because, if anything unexpected blocks his path, his inner balance can be thrown out of kilter and he knows that he will take time to recover. His thought processes are as important as his physical abilities in finding his way on his journey. Always, he seeks peace, beauty and calm as he travels. He dislikes ugliness and avoids disharmony as far as he possibly can.
The need to keep thoughtful and cautious focus as we go forward this month is assisted by the fact that, not only are the Moon and Sun in the Cardinal sign of Libra but so is Mercury, the planet of communication and movement. Saturn and Pluto are both in Cardinal Capricorn. The astrology of this moment suggests that the intentions we make at this New Moon have every chance of being fulfilled – as do our wishes! There is purpose in the air! Saturn lends structure and organised initiative and Pluto, the inevitability of change. Both keep Libra’s airy feet firmly in earthy reality. The Venusian New Moon will wax towards the Full Moon in Taurus (also ruled by Venus) on 24th October. Libra energy also puts the focus on our relationships. With this New Moon square Pluto, what changes await us at the end of the month?
Here are some suggestions to help our wishes and intentions take flight in the approaching month, taking into account the aspects surrounding this New Moon in Libra:
As within, so without. The Grand Cross involving Mercury opposite Uranus and squaring the Nodes (South Node conjunct Mars) implies historically significant events. We are at a pivotal point in time that will be seen as one where vital decisions were made – ones that probably altered the course of the future of mankind and the environment of our planet.
We have to acknowledge there is a tug of war between the Libran urge for harmony and other conflicting and challenging astrological aspects that are manifest. It’s a struggle for harmony. Venus ruling Libra, is, with Jupiter, in the sign of Scorpio trine Neptune and square the Mars/South Node conjunction in Aquarius. She is challenged and confronted. She wants to dream, to invent, to balance and promote peace and harmony but dreams of peace are challenged – for all of us. No sleeping allowed on this watch! Libra has to assert himself by magnifying our awareness of love, balance and equality – not easy within the current climate for energy that seeks peace above all else. He needs our help!
The aspects together of the New Moon reflect particularly the perpetual struggle to find balance between male and female. This has recently become obvious. Now is the time for change! We live in male dominated society – however much people may argue that reality or the reasons for it. The masculine yang, dominates. We are being forced to confront the reality of worms that are crawling out of the Plutonic woodwork. Here’s a precious opportunity to redress the balance of yin and yang in all issues, for women to speak out, for wise men to listen and for men, stuck in their old ways, to adjust their attitudes – big time.
New structures and massive change is necessary NOW and the world must adjust! Trine the Mars/North Node conjunction and square Pluto, the New Moon indicates that harmony might come ‘at a price’. The need for male/female energy to rebalance and to harmonise invades every aspect of our lives and essentially includes the yin and yang of politics. We await more shocks and surprises – but also real possibilities for ‘break-throughs’ of honesty and fairness. Unexpected events continue to shock us into action. The Earth herself seeks balance. Weather, earth movements, volcanic activity rage. Like a huge boulder falling into a wide, calm lake, repercussions and disturbances to land, seas and Woman are inevitable. The same is true on a subconscious level – movement and change. The ability to connect with that centre of calm becomes essential. Mars accelerates away from Uranus. Changes have already begun and, although resulting changes and transformations might be terrifying, they are likely to be ultimately positive.
There is little point in naming the main protagonists of the various political stages and how they conduct themselves at this point, the power hungry seekers after wealth at the expense of others, the warmongers, the deluded and the revelations, the conflicts, the dubious motivations and excuses made for unfairness. Their words and actions bellow around us every day and we know who they are. It’s time to stand up and to be counted, to address important issues within and without us and to release both our own mistakes of the past and those of humanity. We seek balance and truth. What is right and wrong is obvious to all of us if we take this opportunity to listen to our hearts, to manifest harmony in our own lives and seek its echo out there in the world we live in.
“Attract what you expect
Reflect what you desire
Become what you respect
Mirror what you admire”
Jaki Miles-Windmill D.F.Astrol.S
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