New Supermoon in Pisces 20th February 07:06 (GMT)
Full Moon in Virgo 7th March
‘We are stardust, we are golden – and we’ve got to get ourselves back to the garden.’ Joni Mitchell
Through the mysterious gateway of the New Supermoon in Pisces on 20th February, we walk through gently swirling mists under a beautiful, carved arch and know that this Lunar Month, the spiritual world is as available to us almost as much as is earthy reality. The New Moon smiles gently and sprinkles stardust down onto the Earth. The palest of translucent rainbow colours surround her in the black, starry sky. She whispers her wishes and intentions to us and they fall with the sparkling dust. Through the gateway, the whispers dissolve around us and we absorb the essence of this New Moon. We are silent, like children hearing a bedtime story for the first time. Subconsciously, we understand every word……
The New Moon manifests again, this time, in the first few degrees of a sign, magnifying and intensifying the energy of Pisces – a Mutable Water sign, ruled by Neptune. This is sensitive, creative energy on a grand scale, linking us to the Heavens while one foot remains on Earth. All spirituality, art, music, dance, magic, visions, inspiration and imagination is ruled by Pisces. It is emotional, creative and projects unconditional and Universal Love. It brings an awareness of our oneness with the Universe and with all living things in Nature. It can reboot and reawaken our sense of beauty – and the awe we have about the mysterious life we lead.
All energies have both positive and negative qualities. Sometimes Piscean energy encourages escapism and feelings of living outside of the ‘normal’ flow of life whether this be through choice or no fault of our own. So we associate Pisces with victims of all sorts and those forced onto the periphery of society. As human beings we enjoy spending time exploring ‘other worlds’ through fiction, creativity, spiritual pursuits – or substances. This can become dangerous if we develop a desire for prolonged escape or veer towards an excessive fanaticism of beliefs. So, as well as creating feelings of connection through instinct, intuition, compassion, empathy and the collective consciousness, Pisces energy can sometimes create confusion, depression and displacement. New Super Moon in Pisces also occasionally creates big, climatic events involving water because they occur closer to the Earth.
The energy of this New Moon is not all ‘fairy dust’ – even though it seems that the aim of Pisces is always to raise spiritual awareness! Conjunct Saturn (still in Aquarius) and trine the South Node, it becomes earthier and less nebulous, seeking to shine its clear, creative light on old structures and so to prompt our collective consciousness into manifesting visionary practical changes needed. This Lunar Month encompasses the ingress of Saturn into Pisces, on 7th March, and will pass over the position of this Super New Moon on the 20th, so compounding its influence even further. Saturn has been in Aquarius since March 2020 (beginning of lockdown). Covid shook us up globally and we were forced out of familiar routines. We adjusted and began to see the advantages of creating new ways of doing things. Saturn moving into Pisces will radically change the energy structures of our lives yet again, hopefully moving us into an era that will involve more sensitivity, compassion, creativity and spirituality. Together with Pluto’s imminent move into Aquarius, we will be enabled to develop systems where we are able to help people affected by crisis caused by war, lack of resources, climate and seismic phenomenon more efficiently and compassionately.
Jupiter, at the time of New Moon, is conjunct Chiron in Aries. The whole world has been sensitised to the suffering of those in desperate need – recently victims of the huge earthquakes in Syria and Turkey that occurred at the Leo Full Moon. Mars in Gemini (trine Mercury in Aquarius) can create an atmosphere where communication and responses are spontaneous but sometimes confused (Mars enters Cancer 25th March). The world community, drawn together through the urgent necessity to offer aid, has seen that co-ordination, cooperation and speed of response to disasters is not cohesive or effective enough. This New Supermoon reflects this situation clearly, showing us that we need to develop greater efficiency, compassion and care for others and an awareness that we need to function more as one great global community.
At the time of New Moon, Pluto is in the last degree of Capricorn (there since January 2008) which will intensify its energy for a short while. We have been experiencing a breakdown of our traditional structures. Power struggles have been enormous between those who would like to keep things as they are and those who see the urgent need for change. There could be some last-minute attempts to regain power and to limit freedoms – but any success in this direction is unlikely to last for long. Neptune is set to dissolve remaining blocks at the time of this New Moon and will manifest creative solutions! Venus sextile Pluto will soften the harshness of our dominating power structures and bring balance and may even bring a sense of conscience to those who perpetrate it! We’ve had many indications that we are teetering on the edge of seismic change. The Universe seems to be ensuring that we have been thoroughly prepared and educated for the changes to come.
We create our intentions and affirmations, reflecting the energy of the opportunities offered by this New Supermoon in Pisces. We make our wishes and dream our dreams, remaining open to the wisdom of the Universe at this special moment. Here are some suggestions:
Within the intense and magical energy of this New Moon, we are enabled to use our visionary ability as we plan creatively for the future. Events will occur that create opportunities to exercise our compassion and empathy. We are enabled to take positive action based on what we feel. We face a collection of massive challenges globally as a result of both political and seismic activity. Restrictive old structures are likely to finally fall and new structures will start to be created. Uranus (square Mercury and conjunct the North Node) in Taurus encourages demonstrations of rebellion and revelations, Truth and the ‘voices of the people’ are likely to be loudly heard.
Affirmation: Despite what may be going on around me, I reflect on my own inner peace as I flow with the energy of the Piscean New Moon. I am open to receiving information and visions within my dreams. In return, I create positive dreams to offer outwards into the Universe. I am open to receiving Love and radiate Love outwards from myself. I will remain centred, refusing to entertain negativity and fear and knowing it is possible to create a new future.
‘Our whole spiritual transformation brings us to the point when we realise that in our own being, we are enough.’ Anonymous
Jaki Miles-Windmill D.F.Astrol,S
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