New Moon in Sagittarius – 18th December 06:30 (GMT)
Full Moon in Cancer – 2nd January 2018.
Welcome, Spirit of Sagittarius, Oh Jolly Freedom Lover who searches optimistically for abundance for us all (but is ever willing to accept reality and to be cautious about ideas not based on ‘scientific’ fact!). He seeks a clear over-view, flying high like an arrow shot upwards from a taught bow. He becomes an eagle, soaring high above the earth, observing the mountains and valleys, the highs and the lows of the landscape. He is free – searching for truth, the expansion of his knowledge and the perfection of his vision and belief systems. Up here, everything is clear.
We need your unique energy now, Sagittarius, your sense of justice and your motivation to achieve sensible and fair outcomes to all dilemmas. Last month, Scorpio dug deep and dark truths emerged but here is a month when we have the opportunity to find solutions to those discoveries. You observe this Truth, Sagittarius: that everything we think, do and say, however small, can affect everyone and everything in the World – the Butterfly Effect. We can party relentlessly over the next Lunar month, enjoying Christmas celebrations and the Winter Solstice festivities with Sagittarian abandon or we can choose to withdraw with the approaching Mid-Winter, to look objectively at the outside world from within and to avoid taking any outward action until we are certain of our philosophy. We can do both! Either way, we will express the energy of Sagittarius.
The image is of a large, Bacchus-like man – mature, solid and smiling benevolently – emitting an innate sense of authority, wisdom and abundance – and the ability to indulge in pleasure. He is wise, optimistic and experienced. He communicates this by the knowing twinkle in his eye and the flashing of his teeth when he smiles. He is Fiery, yet adaptable to all situations because Sagittarius is a Mutable sign – an interesting combination enabling both total indulgence in joy and extreme objectivity. His motivating force is freedom – of body, mind and emotions. He is ruled by Jupiter, that huge, expansive giant who brings us luck, expansion and a sense of bonhomie. However, Jupiter can, being large in every way, bring the kind of uncontrollable, wild largesse that gets out of control.
At a New Moon, the energy and driving force is set for the complete month’s cycle and, even though the nature of its impetus will inevitably wax and blossom into the Full Moon in an opposite sign (Super Moon in Cancer on 2nd January 2018 at 2.24 am), the initial framework for the story, like a ‘lunar natal birth chart’, sets the personality and potential of the whole Lunar Month. The conclusion of the story isn’t over until the last sliver of the waning moon dissolves into darkness, leaving only whispers about how that last story evolved and the lessons learned. Then the next New Moon initiates a new set of opportunities.
As we carefully form our wishes and intentions for the approaching Lunar Cycle, it might be helpful to be aware that the energy of this New Moon is distilled within a Sagittarian stellium of five planets, (Sun, Moon, Saturn, Venus and Mercury).
1) Visualise yourself as a huge, benevolent entity full of light and love. Feel this energy in every part of your being. Radiate that warm light outwards from yourself. Visualise it as it encompasses others – both close to you and further outwards into the world.
2) Rise above your physical position high above the earth. See the landscape, representative of yourself, spread out below. Identify areas that make you feel happy and at peace – and then identify ‘troublesome’ or ‘difficult’ areas. Allow yourself to receive wisdom from the Galactic Centre and visualise how these areas can be worked with in order that they become less stressful and obstructive.
Sagittarius searches constantly for ‘the Truth’ and it’s as if the Universe is, at this time, conspiring to underline the importance of this quest to us all – of honesty, justice and the need for the ‘fine tuning’ of many systems at this time. Flanked by Saturn on one side and Venus conjunct Mercury on the other, this New Moon focusses on the need to sort out all ‘Sagittarian’ issues – freedom, fairness and sound philosophy. Saturn joins Pluto in Capricorn (20th December) and it seems likely that ‘authority’ will be attempting to further tighten rules and structures from then and to resurrect further hard fought antiquated concepts such as racism and the power of a minority over the rights of the majority.
The polarisation of rich and poor, equality, violence and non-violence, empaths and the non-empaths – still has potential to grow – and this New Moon, trine Uranus in Aries, may mark the beginning of a three-year phase (approx.) of fierce struggle between the two sides. Uranus is revolutionary and challenges the status quo. Saturn, sesquiquadrate the North Node in Leo, may well serve as a fiery ignition switch that forces fierce resistance to oppression. The combination of Sun, Moon, Saturn, Venus and Mercury suggests that unfairness of outmoded ways of handling money, banking systems and general distribution of money may be forced to respond to the call for radical change. Not before time!
The New Moon is even closer to the Galactic Centre this month (18th-20th December. 27.03 degrees Sag.). Interestingly, the point of Centre has been associated with ‘whistle blowers’. It’s likely that we will experience more individuals revealing truths about corruption during this Lunar Month. Venus conjunct Saturn suggests a growing awareness of more mature, fair and balanced attitude towards resources and perhaps this will further stimulate secrets to emerge.
In addition, Mercury – retrograde from 3rd December – and doing his usual best to disrupt communications and discussions – goes direct on 23rd December. He makes a creative and innovative square with Neptune in Pisces, adding a boost of imagination and vision to those who will be able to, at last, initiate and instigate desperately needed ideas for the changes necessary to old structures, liberties, philosophies and all those other Sagittarian issues. It’s time to start talking seriously about fairness and freedom.
Sagittarius always has his eye on a better and more sensible future for all. Let’s immerse ourselves in this Sagittarius, New Moon energy, hold his hand and walk towards a fairer future based on sound beliefs and more realistic philosophical values.
Affirmation: I optimistically and enthusiastically greet the experiences of the approaching Lunar Month!
Happy Winter Solstice!
Let’s go!
Jaki Miles-Windmill D.F.Astrol.S
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