New Moon in Sagittarius – 26th November 15:05
Full Moon in Gemini – 12th December 05:12
“Freedom lies in being bold.” Robert Frost
We long for stability but, like children when they leave home to explore the world and to become independent, we sense that we cannot stay within old structures and regimes that have held us until now. It is time to go through the door and to face the drastic changes from which replacement and rebuilding will begin. It’s time for the future to break free from the past.
This month, we can be more optimistic about what lies ahead! Last Lunar Month, the energy was deep and intense in Scorpio. We sensed that a change was on the horizon and more of the detritus that stopped us from moving forwards was cleared away. The time to finally change the conventional, the familiar and the ‘norm’ – on both personal and global levels – is close. We now are far more aware of the restrictions of the world around us. The New Moon, at the beginning of Sagittarius (4 degrees), marks the beginning of decisive change, encourages us to strain at the proverbial leash and – in our search for knowledge, justice and freedom – to energetically break free.
The energy of the approaching New Moon is powerful, strong and dynamic. Sagittarius is a Mutable Fire sign, masculine and ruled by Jupiter, the planet of freedom, justice, knowledge, expansiveness – and excess! The image this month is of a free spirit – wild, courageous, intense and charismatic – with fist raised above him in defiance. He is intelligent and bold – an adventurer and explorer. A philosopher and a champion of justice and fairness, he is fanatical in his search to see the ‘wider picture’ and to find ‘The Truth’. He listens, watches and learns, drawing his own conclusions from what he finds through his adventures. He adjusts to whatever circumstances manifest around him, moving fluidly through different groups of people. places and ideas. He can be brutally honest – and sometimes arrogant – because he trusts his own ability to synthesise knowledge. Sometimes he explores his freedom by indulging in pleasure and excess – because his urge is to experience and experiment to find the best that life offers. It makes him no less capable of sound, decisive judgements when justice and fairness are called for.
On a personal level, it’s time to finally free ourselves from anything that stops us from moving forwards with positivity. How can we best make use of the energy of this powerful Sagittarian New Moon within our own lives? Here are some ideas to consider as we take the opportunity to make our wishes and intentions at this New Moon on 26th November.
This month, the New Moon in Sagittarius has the powerful energy of Mars conjunct Mercury in Scorpio on one side of him and the stellium of Jupiter (Sagittarius), Venus, the South Node, Saturn and Pluto (Capricorn) on the other, all within 21 degrees (structure, tradition, the ‘status quo’). The Pluto/Saturn conjunction in Capricorn symbolises the now unavoidable break down of systems and structures as Saturn creeps nearer every day towards becoming exact in mid January 2020. We have been preparing for some time!
Amongst many other current events around the world, it is obvious that the validity of President Trump continuing in office in the US is an issue and, in Britain, a General Election takes place on 12th December. The forces of division rage against each other and pent up tensions will inevitably be released. The boils, it seems, may be about to burst – with the inevitable mess that will happen as a result. Yes – it’s becoming impossible for many of us to ignore the proverbial urge to break out of old structures and restrictions – and to ‘leave home’. Where we will be by the end of January of 2020 is anyone’s guess.
However, the time is right for positive change. The New Moon links harmoniously in Trine to Chiron – representing the deepest wounds of Humanity – and our need to focus on necessary healing both within society and on the wounds we have imposed upon the Earth herself. Thank goodness that Neptune in Pisces continues to send us interesting visions, ideas to assist us positively with the shift that is likely to happen. The New Moon, inconjunct Uranus – which further encourages more discontent within society – and Jupiter, conjunct Venus and trine Uranus further encourage us to break free from the past. In addition to this, Venus, trine Uranus and sextile Mars and Mercury in Scorpio, gives us the resource of decisive decision making and assures us that, if we aim optimistically for the brightness of the distant horizon, we might reach it – eventually!
The current reflective astrological mirror of the Universe shows us that our (metaphorical) ‘parental’ authority figures may have created the structures we have lived within – but as we approach the end of 2019, they now seem sadly inadequate and irrelevant to our current situation. The lack of compassion and empathy integral in many structures have, perhaps, blinded many people to the reality of our situation – both environmentally and socially. Incapable of taking us forward any further, those in authority still seem to be refusing to open the door to allow Humanity to move forward! We can’t entertain the prospect of staying as we are for much longer! It’s time to ‘leave home’ and find our way into a different kind of future. The Sagittarian New Moon urges us to prepare for just that.
The last time the conjunction of Pluto and Saturn in Capricorn happened was approximately 500 years ago. It has always been linked to the abuse of human rights and terrorism. Just one of the ‘earth moving’ events that began at the last conjunction was the slave trade. The energy of the social/economic climate at that time, enabled this terrible ‘structure’ to start and to continue for many years. Obviously, nothing as despicable as this should be allowed to happen again – but parallel attitudes towards particular groups of people seem to be happening within the present social climate.
The energy of the approaching New Moon helps us to combat current destructive practises with renewed optimism, more eclectic attitudes – and with increasingly expansive knowledge. The future success of inevitable changes might rely on the clarity and energy of the visions, aspirations and goals we formulate at this moment. It seems to me that we have been packing our suitcases to prepare for the journey for a while!
We live always within an atmosphere of both Light and Dark energies. There has always been conflict throughout the world – but inevitable drastic changes are well on the way. The corporate world will inevitably fight the trend and there is likely to be fierce resistance elsewhere. The series of crisis, both those created by nature and by Humanity, will continue to mirror the astrology of the skies as we travel through the changes – but perhaps we can resolve to ride the energy of this moment in time with optimism and look to the future as we travel through it!
We call on the energy of Sagittarius to give us the energy to stick to our convictions by ‘leaving home’ with knowledge, courage and good judgement in our suitcases!
“Those who deny freedom to others deserve it not for themselves.” Thomas Jefferson
Jaki Miles-Windmill D.F.Astrol,S
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