New Moon in Taurus – 23rd April 03:26 (BST)
Full Moon in Scorpio – 7th May 11:45
“We must all learn a good lesson – how to live together. That is the new challenge of the new world… learning to co-exist and not co-annihilate.” Jesse Jackson
Mother Moon sits and observes the crisis from her distance. As we succumb to the effects of this world pandemic, we may seem beyond the range of her gentle voice. She waits. At the New Moon in Taurus on 23rd April, she will start to sing a gentle song – with clarity and intent. Its words will speak about peace, balance, care, nurture, practicality, persistence and patience. Her intention to heal are clear and are motivated by Love. Be ready to hear her. Calmly, she will begin to pick up the pieces and to reassemble them.
Astrologers and those in tune with the forces around us, have known for some time that ‘things’ were likely to get worse before they begin to get better. The Covid19 virus has reared its head and we now know the public face of the monster that has been unleashed from the circumstances (reflected in the astrology) of these times. The New Moon is square Saturn in Aquarius. We are in lockdown, our movements restricted. There may be some time to go before the storm rolls away completely but the New Moon in Taurus on 23rd April at 3.26 am (BST) gives us hope. Flanked by Uranus (3 degrees) and Mercury (13 degrees Aries), she is distant enough from the widening Pluto/Jupiter/Saturn conjunction (Saturn 1 degree Aquarius) to allow us some objectivity.
The energy of Taurus brings the possibility of stillness after the fire and movement of Aries. Taurus is an Earth sign, fixed, feminine and ruled by Venus. We look inwards, as we are compelled to do, to what we truly need in order to live. Venus is in Gemini, trine Mars (Aquarius). The aggressive and explosive Arian energy we have been experiencing is calming. Perhaps we are in the eye of the storm and can take the stillness of the moment to take stock of our bearings.
The image of Taurus is of The Mother, the caring, practical and steady centre of the family. She can have fixed opinions but she is always motivated by love and the need to protect and nurture her family above all else. Her roots are deep in Earth. Aware that all beings – including the plant world and the stars in the sky above us – are made from the same substance – she understands instinctively the beauty and rhythms of the natural world around us. Like a breath of fresh air, we need her energy to centre ourselves and to find balance and purpose within these challenging times. Here’s an opportunity to manifest harmony and healing for ourselves – and to make necessary adjustments. She will help us find ways to nurture ourselves, to become more self-sufficient and to move forwards.
We isolate. We experience a sense of unreality. We look inwards and examine the substance of what we are and who is close to us, forced to observe our own rhythms and the minutiae of our lives. We observe what is truly important and necessary and the nature of how we have been living up to this moment. In which ways have we been ‘on automatic’ – perhaps as a result of habits and patterns created and established too long ago to now be relevant? What can be adjusted and what can we leave behind?
There is an upward shift towards a new reality as our planet continues to move into new spaces in the Cosmos. Some of us, happy to have accepted ‘the way that life had to be’, may find it hard to adjust to the new possibilities hidden in the changes around us. We are all experiencing a degree of fear. At this point in time, our movements are restricted and many of us long for the freedom to go where and when we want to and do what we want to do! We are forced to explore other ways to travel! As well as videos, television, books, music, art and social media, we have the option of meditation and visualisation and opportunities to make a stronger contact with the earth and sky as we take our walks. We may be dreaming more too (Neptune in Pisces). Perhaps our subconscious is releasing important information. It is unlikely that the world will ‘return to normal’ once restrictions have been lifted – and perhaps it shouldn’t. Here are some ideas to explore as we make our new intentions for the new Lunar Month.
Suggested meditation:
Within a peaceful space, visualise yourself in nature, feet firmly planted in the Earth.
Many of us are aware of the implications that this moment in time may have on the future. We know that old structures and behaviours must change. Governments and leaders are likely to struggle as they realise that things may not be able to continue as they have in the past. Some of them seem to prefer to ignore implications for as long as possible. We are all being ‘encouraged’ to re-think the quality and nature of our activities. Recent Pluto/Saturn/Jupiter activity has sparked the urgency for humanity to transform. We are in the process of ‘re-programming’ – with little option of pressing ‘default’ and going back! Uranus, conjunct the New Moon, has established himself in Taurus (until April of 2026) and is determined that governments will make new plans that are more in line with the new energy that the Cosmos is beaming towards us. It is not easy for Taurean energy to shift from the ‘known and established’ but, while it will always seek stability, shift it must.
The manner that the present astrology affects both the leader of the US and the UK will significantly affect us all. The Nodal Axis on 23rd is close to that of Trump’s natal Nodal Axis and his Sun/Moon opposition – both in Gemini (10 degrees). It is even closer to that of Johnson’s (2 degrees) and falls on the midpoint between his Nodal Axis and his Venus/Sun conjunction – also in Gemini. Both leaders are ‘big talkers’- although Gemini energy doesn’t always encourage deep thought before the voice is engaged. Whilst the New Moon occurs in Johnson’s seventh house (the house of relationships), it’s also interesting that Neptune is conjunct his natal Chiron in his sixth house (the house of health). Both houses could create ‘issues’ for him. In Trump’s chart, Mars, having gained momentum over the Pluto/Jupiter/Saturn conjunction, moves through his sixth house (health) to oppose his natal Mars on his Ascendant on 1st May. The New Moon occurs in Trump’s Ninth House – that of further learning. Let’s hope so.
The full Supermoon on 7th May (Scorpio) is likely to bring matters to crisis point. It occurs when both the North Node and Venus are conjunct Trump’s Sun/ NN/ Uranus conjunction in Gemini (opposite his SN/Moon conjunction). This suggests challenges concerning significant women in his life. It conjuncts Johnson’s Neptune in his second house. Confusing, personal financial revelations could come to a head.
“A Review: The World Stage presents: the story of ‘The New Moon and Uranus in Taurus’. The Play includes scenes of massive discord and excitement. Humanity suffers. Taurus, the loving mother, prefers that nothing ‘rocks her boat’ as Uranus, a rebellious ‘Rocker’, agitates her until he achieves massive change (which includes a better world for all of humanity) at any cost. The play is uncomfortable to watch. The full Supermoon on 7th May, marks the beginning of the final scene (of Act One). There are sudden, violent releases of energy as the powerful planetary protagonists (Pluto, Saturn, Jupiter, Uranus and Saturn) strut across the world stage, each one determined to assert themselves over the other.
Revelations and truths will be revealed when Mercury reaches exact conjunction with Uranus and square Saturn on 1st May. Secrets of all kinds, previously well-hidden, will jump out of boxes. Be prepared to be shocked and dismayed! Magic and confusion abound (Neptune in Pisces). The denouement of ‘the truths revealed’ will be so obviously untenable that spectacular ‘special effects’ will necessarily include ‘mayhem-most-foul’ and a spectacular demolition finale.” In the real world, this could manifest as huge and life-changing economic crisis and sudden earth and sea shifts.
We must prepare for an altered future, once the present crisis of the pandemic has passed – shaken as we might by the changes we experience. The familiar is passing for ever. In creating our intentions, we need to stay centred and open to positivity within the serious changes that we are living through.
The new Moon is a chance for us to ‘catch a wave’ of fresh Taurean energy. Hopefully, we might be carried gently forwards towards the shore and to a better part of the beach than the one we left before we were swept out to sea! We trust that, although life is never likely to be the same again, all will be well.
We will dance on the crest of the waves, keeping our balance, centred in our own integrity.
“We must believe that it is the darkest before the dawn of a beautiful new world. We will see it when we believe it.” Saul Alinsky
Jaki Miles-Windmill D.F.Astrol,S
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