New Moon in Taurus – 4th May 23:45 (BST)
Full Moon in Scorpio – 18th May 22:11
“Treat the Earth well. It was not given to you by your parents, it was loaned to you by your children. We do not inherit the Earth from our Ancestors, we borrow it from our children.” Ancient Indian Proverb
We open to the Venusian energies of Love and Peace and welcome the angels of Truth and Enlightenment to help bring in the changes we need.
The New Moon in Taurus on 4th May focusses our energy onto earthy, practical issues. Communications tune in to higher frequencies creating thoughts and conversations about the urgent necessity for us to care more for the Earth. Those who speak with ‘forked tongues’ about the evidence for climate change and those who deny the dangers that wilful pollution, pillaging and carelessness cause, might be silenced! The children are speaking out on behalf of Mother Earth and showing how much they care. They are making us listen.
This Lunar Month plants our feet firmly in the Earth and helps us to focus sensitively and practicality towards her care and our own. We urgently need to become more aware that just as she sustains us, we should protect and care for her. The energy of the New Moon gives us opportunity to do this. Taurus is a feminine Earth sign, Fixed in quality. She is ruled by Venus, the Goddess of Love and the planet that encourages us to examine our values and perceptions of balance, beauty and nourishment. The image is the Earth Mother, lush, rounded and benevolent. Her feet are firmly fixed in the Earth and yet she is fully aware of how the Earth, and all of nature, is a spiritual being, connected with the cosmos. She encourages romance, texture, creativity. She cares for her family – both close and extended. She feeds them – and encourages them to be able to manifest what they need for the future. She makes us aware of the need for balance and love as important ingredients of abundance. She recognises each one of her children individuals whose needs are not necessarily the same. She is fiercely protective and can be obstinate in her determination to protect. She creates strong boundaries when necessary.
This month, we finally begin to recognise our need to actively care for both ourselves and our Mother Earth in enlightened and conscious ways. This lunar ‘new beginning’ could be a turning point in history in the way that we see the Earth and our part in its future. Here’s an opportunity to be part of a new surge of awareness. Taurus gives us deeper understanding of what truly nourishes us – what we need and what we can do without – and a chance to examine ways we can gain access to all the potential sweetness available to us without harming others. Here are some ideas to consider when making our New Moon intentions and wishes for the approaching Lunar Month:
This Taurus Lunar Month focusses us on Gaia, the Earth, and her issues and reminds us of our duty of care and protection towards her. An accelerating awareness of the urgency to do this is all around us. At this moment in time, it seems that the Earth’s children are more aware than ‘adults’ are. The inspired energy of the brave and amazing Swedish teenager, Greta Thunberg, has helped to shift everyone into an awareness of climate change. The children’s movement is likely to gain momentum throughout the world this month.
In Britain, The Extinction Rebellion movement has established itself with peaceful demonstrations in London and is already spreading throughout the world.
Their demands are:
These points fully reflect the energy of the Taurus New Moon!
Taurus is also about wealth – of all kinds. There may be many frightened people who will be clutching their money and power to their bosoms, despite any potential effects of their stances towards global health. Mercury also goes into the Taurus on the 6th May and Venus on 15th. Uranus is at three degrees of Taurus too. The energy of Earth surrounds us. Mars, in Gemini at the time of the New Moon, indicates angry words, opinionated attitudes and aggression as Uranus conjunct Mercury adds his rebellious influence. Time for practical changes. The significant conjunction of Saturn and Pluto in Capricorn (trine the New Moon) confronts as ‘authority’ continues to stick its heels in against any possible change to ‘traditional’ structures.
Neptune in Pisces (sextile the New Moon) continues to challenge Jupiter in Sagittarius. Dreams and expansive new ideas burst into global consciousness as there is increased awareness of the finite-ness of the world’s resources. There is the potential for quantum leaps in our interaction and care for people everywhere. The percolator of change boils. What will the flavour of its contents be by the end of this lunar month?
Uranus always has his eye on the future and Jupiter is trine the Mercury/Uranus conjunction. How are our present behaviour patterns and structures going to be affected this month? Controversial information will abound and solutions will be mooted – leading to environmental discussions that are based on undeniable scientific facts. Hard headed, materialistic individuals will nevertheless determinedly hang on to their ‘status quo’ and attempt to deny the inevitability of the environmental crisis! Rebellion!
As individuals, we vary in the amount of connection we have with the Earth and the nature surrounding us. Time to increase the connections and to open ourselves to the steadying, earthy energy of this New Moon in Taurus – to hear her call for our practical care of the Earth. Time to become more aware of our own internal rhythms in connection with hers, to beautify and to learn balance. A new movement, more aware and in tune with the plants and other creatures on the Earth, gains momentum. Perhaps we need to nurture a new meaning of the word, ‘materialism’ and to learn to take only what we need to sustain us, becoming more aware of the needs of others and of the Earth. Perhaps this is the nature of true abundance. May we give the Earth, ourselves and each other, the love and support we need in the approaching lunar month.
“When all the animals have been hunted, when all the waters are polluted, when all the air is unsafe to breath, only then will you discover you cannot eat money.” Cree prophecy.
Jaki Miles-Windmill D.F.Astrol.S
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