The New Moon is on September 20th at 06:29 (BST). Full Moon in Aries on 5th October.
Oh for an easy Virgo New Moon cycle – one with a healthy dollop of pure good sense arriving from the cosmos together with an impetus for new beginnings. Oh for it to herald more practical and sensible global behaviour, re-organisation and fresh, down to earth routines. Perhaps suddenly everyone will miraculously be eager to be of service to everyone else in the world and we’ll look after everyone’s needs with fairness, sisterhood and love!
HOWEVER – this New Moon in Virgo comes in on a tide of Eclipses, Leonine gnashing of teeth and climatic dis-ease – a fierce rebellion from the Earth herself and disarray caused by power hungry politicians and consequential victims. So many strong energies surround this New Moon – and all that dear, feminine Virgo New Moon might be able to do for a while is to assist in the clearing up process – sweeping steadily away at the floodwater and the rubble with what might appear to be an inadequate broom. No doubt Virgo will nevertheless manage to create at least some patches of sensible calm within the mounds of chaos. Let’s hope she can do more than that….
Virgo is a feminine, Mutable, Earth sign. She rules the Sixth House. Her concerns are the efficiency of daily routines and the attention to details that help our daily lives to run smoothly. The image of this New Moon is of a mother, rhythmically and steadily, sweeping away with a broom. She wants to be ‘of service’, to organise and to clear the space for others with care and love. It’s easy to forget that Virgo, ruled by Mercury, is also a concise, clear and realistic communicator. Some may feel that Virgo energy often lacks excitement but it is, in fact, rich in good sense and practicality – very necessary at this point in time in order to bring us all back down to earth and to attend to the ‘nuts and bolts’ of our lives.
We need Virgo’s help in dealing with the dangerous confusions that humanity has created within the last months. However, there are other strong planetary influences that accompany this New Moon in Virgo too – some that will assist and some that might challenge. One of the most positive factors is that, during this Lunar Month, we have the Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus and Mars all in earthy Virgo supporting that energy for practicality and the systematic approach to ‘sorting out’. Pluto, in Capricorn, where it has been for some time, supports the earthy nature of transformational change. Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn and Pluto will all, at last, be going in a forward direction together. This may have the effect of a tumultuous tsunami of energy thrusting us forward into the future with a speed and intensity that could leave us gasping! Time to use this opportunity to get our houses in order, to detox our daily routines and to purify and clear our own personal baggage. This applies globally too. It’s time to ‘get things going’ in a more practical and earthy way.
Make Autumn plans to Spring clean your life before the New Moon and the Autumn Equinox (22nd September at 9.01pm)! Although occurring at 29 degrees, 59 minutes of Virgo, the Sun heads in to the Southern Hemisphere and very quickly into the sign of Libra. It’s time to take stock, do our inventories, throw out irrelevant rubbish, clear up and make space. Boring – or wonderfully liberating? The choice of how you see it – or even if you choose to take no notice of it – is yours.
Here are some issues we can consider when making our New Moon in Virgo wishes and resolutions before the energy begins early on 20th September:
The last question refers to the fact that a huge shower of creative cosmic dust is pouring down upon us from the Universe from The Grand Trine in Fire (North Node, Uranus and Saturn) at the start of this Lunar cycle. It underlines and prompts the value of creativity for all of us. Neptune is exactly opposing Mercury – a cosmic call for creativity and for our visionary qualities to make themselves known. We need our visionaries, spiritual leaders and artists to speak up at this time. All the energy of this Virgo New Moon, together with the fact that no less than eight planets are in mutable signs, calls for us to be more adaptable in our views, to ‘give and take’ and to be less rigid and dogmatic in our attitudes and communications with other groups of people.
As a result of the stellium in Virgo, the direct motion of so many planets and the Grand Trine in Fire at the point of New Moon, creative solutions to global problems are inevitably likely to emerge. Will we listen? We need to attend urgently to the issue of Global Warming. However much some would deny its existence, the effects are blatantly obvious. Perhaps as a result of the shocking weather conditions that have swept America, there is a greater possibility that we will collectively submit to creative ideas to decrease the damage that humanity has caused (even if some are unlikely to admit to disbelieving it in the first place). Perhaps there will be a commitment towards developing less toxic energy sources and therefore slowing down the process. The earth is forcing our hand. It’s a good time for ‘sensible politics’ to ‘kick in’ – politics that perhaps reorganise and pay attention to important details rather than to demonstrations of power display, superfluous gestures – and ostrich ‘head in the sand acting’ that can have nothing but seriously destructive consequences.
The New Moon is opposing Chiron. There are victims – those who need urgent help as a result of both political, climatic and man-made disasters that are not their fault. The sheer weight of displaced people screams for practical solutions. Uranus opposes Jupiter, indicating that, should large proportions of needy people continue to be ignored, grand rebellion and even revolution might result. There is murmur of agreement – becoming steadily louder every day – that there must be better way of progressing and organising ourselves and a greater awareness of the need for fairer ways of living for everyone. Mars is conjunct Mercury in opposition to Neptune, indicating the need for a stronger communication of spiritual and idealistic ideas. The concept of ‘purification’ suggested by the Virgo New Moon could offer a positive input towards ‘clearing and re-organising’ (‘sweeping up’!) of systems and outmoded concepts. (Pessimistically, it could indicate attempts at ‘ethnic cleansing’).
So we prepare for the New Moon in Virgo. We are living in dangerous times and there has never been a more auspicious time to use utilise our own brand of Virgoan good sense, patience and practicality – whether this is an energy that is obvious in our own birth charts or something usually more hidden that urgently needs an airing. We need to speak our truth and use the broom! The Moon and Sun will very quickly be passing into the sign of Libra. May the Force of the Broom be with you and may Good Sense, Peace and Harmony prevail!
“If the person you are talking to doesn’t appear to be listening, be patient. It may simply be that he has a small piece of fluff in his ear.” A.A. Milne, Winnie-the-Pooh
Jaki Miles-Windmill D.F.Astrol.S
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