New Moon Solar Eclipse in Gemini – 10th June 11:52 (BST)
Full Moon in Capricorn 24th June
“The mind is everything. What you think, you become.” Buddha
The Universe remains in a process of ‘re-set. Many of us sense this in our bones although, perhaps, we’re not fully unaware of the extent of ‘molecular’ changes. It seems that the cells of the Universe move and dance together within the plasma that binds us all, experimenting with new shapes and groupings. The astrology of this year moves us on towards the possibility of reaching higher frequencies of thought and behaviour and a new kind of change. We sniff cautiously at the scent of new possibilities in the air. We are adjusting to the power of the potential within us and the changing nature of what surrounds us. We have a chance to understand everything more clearly with a greater sense of integrity and truth.
The New Moon marks an Annular Solar Eclipse in Gemini – and Mercury is retrograde, also in Gemini! This is a very powerful opportunity for a new beginning, for major changes and leaps forward into the ‘unknown’ (the first of two this year -second being on December 4th). Eclipses create intense energy and can initiate the beginning of new eras on both personal and global levels. They affect us emotionally. Our worlds can seem ‘rocked’ by events we encounter at these times – raising our consciousnesses as we ‘shift gears’ up a notch or two. It seems that the Universe is seeking to repair, heal and mend what needs to be ‘cured’ and to leave behind what ‘no longer serves’. We are likely to encounter periods of difficulties and irritating incidents that force us to face the reality of the disharmony in our lives in order that we ‘get the point’ of the lessons presented and can open to ‘light bulb’ moments of realisation!
At the moment of New Moon on 10th June: Moon, Sun, Mercury and the North Node sit together in the sky in Gemini. Gemini is an Air sign, Mutable and ruled by Mercury. The energy is curious, playful, spontaneous, thoughtful, communicative, full of movement and flitting, swirling air energy. It attracts the collection of information and learning. We are stimulated to ‘find out’ about that which interests us and to investigate truths and ‘untruths’ – and, importantly – to make decisions and choices that we may have ‘put off’ until now. Unfortunately, an excess of stimulus and incoming information can also involve confusion. It may feel as if swathes of misinformation and deception surround us, forcing us to search for Truth within ‘the fog’ of media-led lies and ‘red herrings’.
Added to this, the power of a New Moon/Solar eclipse can feel like Mercury retrograde all on its own – as unexpected breaks in communications and disruptive travel arrangements abound – as in ‘two steps forward and three steps back!’ Hopefully, ultimate enlightenment is the consequence of the energy and we find enlightenment, a strengthened sense of self and increased integrity as a result!
The dreams, decisions, intentions and wishes that we make at this New Moon/Solar Eclipse will have strength and be far reaching – as they are in all eclipses. We need to be open to the messages in the breezes and currents that twirl and swirl around us at this New Moon – the scents, sounds and colours – the fleeting visions they conjure and the possibilities that are riding on these Winds of Change. The approaching lunar month is asking for dreams and intentions that may involve leaps of Faith and of Trust. Listen very carefully to the whispers all around you!
The astrological climate holds us in a state of cosmic ultra-activity. Mars remains in the last degree of Cancer opposite Pluto in Capricorn and challenges us to witness the final battles integral within the process of Grand Change. The struggle between restrictions and freedom continues. There is a lot of mutable energy (Moon, Sun, Mercury, Jupiter, Neptune and the Nodal Axis) contributing to changes and our constant need to adjust to new circumstances on a daily basis. An atmosphere of instability remains – balanced somewhat by Fixed Uranus and Saturn, square each other! They bring the potential of more humanitarian and forward-looking approaches to our global crisis in the future.
The intense Geminian energy has arrived at a very auspicious time! It encourages us to communicate and connect with each other, neighbour with neighbour, nation with nation. We seek solutions to conflicts as we adjust to the shifts in consciousness around us. Square Neptune in Pisces, the New Moon directs us towards seeking more creative, visionary and spiritual awareness. Mercury is closely conjunct the New Moon and, although retrograde, adds focus to our thought processes. New ideas abound (Mercury goes direct on 22nd June) if we consciously remain open to spiritual guidance from the Universe and towards finding new ways to exercise our inventiveness and our practical skills!
The first time that an exact square between Uranus in Taurus and Saturn in Aquarius happened was at the beginning of the Covid restrictions last year. The final time it will happen will be in December. Perhaps it will ‘all be over’ by then? Concepts involving different ways of living in the future are likely to emerge throughout this month. They may involve radical new ways of community living and different ways of producing and distributing food. These are likely to be seed ideas that will need to be carefully nurtured. The New Moon trine Saturn helps our capacity to readjust and restructure paradigms that are more relevant to our needs.
For now, the battle continues to rage between the need for freedom and attempts to exert even more control and restrictions over our behaviour (Pluto Capricorn). Retrograde planets give us the space to go back over old times as we ‘tread water’. The consequence of that is that we, hopefully, learn where we ‘went wrong’ the first time and, when the planets go direct again, we are armed with more knowledge of our circumstances and the experience we need to go forward better equipped. Pluto and Mercury are retrograde at the time of New Moon as, also, is Saturn in Aquarius. Jupiter will become retrograde on 20th June in Pisces.
One of the important messages coming from the planetary energy supporting this New Moon/Solar Eclipse seems to be the importance of using this time to ‘re-boot’ our personal systems, to cleanse negative thought patterns, clear old habits, heal our wounds and become more aware of unconscious genetic and social patterns of behaviour that have influenced us so far and are no longer relevant. Jupiter, Saturn and Pluto will remain retrograde until October. Hopefully, the sign of Libra will bring a renewed consciousness of the qualities of balance, harmony and fairness – much needed at this time – as they go direct.
Here is an amazing opportunity to become more conscious of how we might adjust our lives so that they reflect the truth of who we are as individuals with integrity. We have the power to make our own choices and decisions!
Here’s to Optimism, Positivity and Truth! Ho!
“The most common way people give up their power is by thinking they don’t have any.” Alice Walker
“Whatever you can do, or dream you can, begin it. Boldness has genius, power and magic in it.” Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
Jaki Miles-Windmill D.F.Astrol,S
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