New Moon Total Solar Eclipse in Sagittarius – 4th December 07:43 (GMT)
Full Moon in Gemini – 19th December
“New beginnings are often disguised as painful endings.” Lao Tz
We move with the flow of the influx of dynamic energy that the New Moon in Sagittarius on 4th December brings. We breath in deeply and inhale the potency of this expansive New Moon, absorbing it into our hearts. Conjunct Mercury, inconjunct Uranus and trine Chiron, the New Moon in Sagittarius is also a Total Solar Eclipse. As the Sun’s orb gradually disappears and then re-appears, the Earth experiences a powerful opportunity for a New Beginning. For a while, areas of the Earth are in full, awesome darkness. What mysteries are here? We trust – as our ancestors did before us – that the light of the Sun, will return. Experience tells us that life will continue. We trust – but, somewhere deep within us, we fear – as our ancestors did before us – that it might not!
When computers fail and we fear that everything stored may have disappeared for ever, we are often advised to: “Turn it off, wait for a while – and then turn on again!” Strangely, this often works! What will this particular Grand, Cosmic ‘Stop and Re Boot’ mean?
“Life is either a daring adventure or nothing at all.” Helen Keller
The sign of Sagittarius is Mutable Fire, ruled by Jupiter. It is a strong and expansive sign, sending sparks of action into the dark skies and lighting the way forwards with a clarity in which situations and scenarios are lit up in sharp relief. The energy encourages freedom, adventure, knowledge, learning – and, most important of all – it generates optimism. Justice is all important to Sagittarius. This New Moon brings an increased awareness of the importance of fairness – and it highlights any shadows of corruption. The energy of Mutable signs helps us to make adjustments in our behaviour, where necessary, and to view our lives from a wider philosophical perspective.
The New Moon/Solar Eclipse is occurring towards the end of a prolonged phase of chaos and confusion. although we probably need to accept that there may be more to come! Venus will go retrograde in Capricorn on December 19th, the same day that the Full Moon (Gemini) occurs (and Chiron goes direct). The Sun enters Capricorn on the 21st the Winter Solstice. Neptune is stationary direct on 1st December. Dreams are likely to be vivid and lucid this moonth and deserve to be noticed. All things influenced by Neptune including bodies of water, drugs, creativity, delusions, collective ideas and spirituality are likely to become highlighted issues. Uranus remains retrograde in Taurus until January 18th 2022. But, optimistically, we are, mostly creeping in a forwards direction again. There are powerful energy changes taking place. Hallelujah!
(NB: Throughout March and April ’22 all planets will be direct!)
Mercury, conjunct the New Moon, encourages us to ‘speak our truth’. Mars, in Scorpio, is square Jupiter in Aquarius, sextile Venus/Pluto in Capricorn and trine Neptune in Pisces. Radical and idealistic new ideas, concepts and information are likely to abound and be communicated freely – hopefully based on sound facts rather than delusion or deceit. Venus in Capricorn is conjunct Pluto (3 degrees) and sextile both Mars and Neptune. We are in a process of transformation – of re-evaluating our values, theories and beliefs, both on global and personal levels. Truth seems to be creeping out of the woodwork. Events involving the integrity of money flow (bankers) and the importance of sustainability and fairness re the Earth’s resources are also likely important issues this moonth. Ongoing climate changes and Earth-movements could affect us all and any events are likely to be fierce, forcing us to look at where we live and to reassess the damage that has been done to the environment. What might be done to repair, sustain and improve our attitudes and ways of living? Which fundamental beliefs and values should we be nurturing for the good of mankind – and which should we be leaving behind? What and who exactly should we be protecting and caring for?
Saturn in Aquarius is square Uranus in Taurus and sextile Chiron in Aries (trine the New Moon). Perhaps the control that Saturn – and Pluto in Capricorn – has been exerting over ‘affairs of the Earth’ is becoming more of a dam – full of volatile energy – in which holes are starting to appear. As Mars (conjunct the South Node in Sagittarius) squares Jupiter, it seems that the energy is starting to leak through – and will eventually break free. Neptune is trine Mars and Jupiter is square. Jupiter square Mars manifests (to me!) as a couple of fighting adolescent boys who are encouraging each other to behave badly – and to make a lot of noise while they do it! They are contributing to the creation of world events that cannot be ignored of the kind that force us to ‘stand up and take notice’. We must expect more crisis and unexpected surprises – with doses of confusion, volatility and anger this moonth. Perhaps we need more of that in order to move forward. We are likely to feel empowered to make our own noises as we take action in defence of what we see as our truths too! The genie is well and truly coming out of the bottle.
On a personal level this moonth, our wishes and desires will be rocket-fuelled! We need to consider our intentions carefully and to take advantage of the opportunity of the new start offered within the energy of this potent New Moon/Total Solar Eclipse. This powerful energy ‘has legs’ that could affect the next six months – so we need to set our highest intentions clearly and precisely. Consider carefully what you really want, need and desire… Time to begin manifesting:
The Earth and all of humanity need truth and love. We are gaining knowledge at an accelerated rate via the cosmos, the nature of which seems to strongly emphasise the importance of care and consideration for the needs of every living thing, including the Earth herself. This Lunar Moonth starts with a New Moon/Solar Eclipse in Sagittarius which energises a vision of a life that could be joyful, celebratory, secure and abundant for all. We seem to be at last considering that these qualities don’t necessarily need to come from materialism. The spirit of knowledge, generosity, caring and compassion can be expressed in many ways. Perhaps we need to re-create some of them!
As the light reappears at the Solar Eclipse and the New Lunar Moonth begins, we stand in the moment and understand better the fragility of life on Earth. Sagittarius tells us that everything we do, however radical, innovative or free flowing, needs to be based on philosophical thought and justice for all in order to function.
May we be blessed by the spirit of abundance, optimism, compassion and generosity!
Welcome truth, honesty and light!
One Love!
“Change is hard at first, messy in the middle, and gorgeous at the end.” Robin Sharma
Jaki Miles-Windmill D.F.Astrol,S
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